I [F] had a great fuck and food with the hot guy that lives in the apartment above me. (Continuation)

[Here’s the first post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/lx9y4k/i_f_had_a_great_fuck_and_food_with_the_hot_guy/)

So there we were, on our way to his bathroom, with me on his arms, giggling. I stopped him as we were about to enter and told him to put me down. He did, and I said, “Uhh 1 sec.” And went inside leaving him at the door. I peed. When I was done I look around a little. It was an immaculate bathroom. Everything’s organized. I was impressed. I opened the door to see him standing there doing something on his phone. I stopped to admire his body. “Damn.” I thought, getting turned on again. I made a show of letting him in with hand gestures and stuff, “Come on in.” I remember bowing a little (DORKY ALERT!) He chuckled and pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

I [F] had a great fuck and food with the hot guy that lives in the apartment above mine.

Okay so a little backstory. I’ve been seeing this guy in the building for about a month now, making small talks during elevator rides, smiles and heys in the lobby with some flirting here and there. I kinda have a thing for him.

Fast forward to last night around 9. Having just logged off work, I ordered some pizza and 10 minutes later went to the reception area down at the lobby to pick it up and there he was, just walked through the door, looking dapper as hell in his suit and tie. Coming home from work I guessed. We exchanged pleasantries as usual as we make our way towards the elevator.

Inside the elevators he said, “whatchu got there?”
“Oh pepperoni, I don’t have it in me to cook tonight.” I said.
He then proceed to tease me about not eating proper meals. I just laughed and elbowed his side lightly.

So anyway as I stepped out on my floor he called out to me and ask if I wanna come up to his place.
“I haven’t eaten yet either and I can probably whip something decent for us.” He said. I contemplated for a bit and said, “Okay. Go on ahead I’ll just get something from my apartment.” I handed him the pizza and joked about it being a safety net. He just rolled his eyes and laugh.

[MMF] How I ended up having threesome with my bestfriend and a mutual friend. (LONG)

After that night at the party, Josh and I got pretty busy, though not too busy to send each other naughty pics and messages.

Anyway around 4pm saturday, he texted me if I wanna “hangout” tonight. Hall and I planned on watching the 1st season of GoT tonight at my place but we can totally re-sched. I texted him back,

“Sure yeah, come over?” I was just lounging at home with my computer at the time doing some freelance work.

Several minutes later my phone rings, its Josh calling. He told me he’ll get off work at 6 and be here by around 7, confirmed my address to me and asked if he should bring anything, I told him to bring just his sexy self, my tone teasing. He just laughed and said,

“Alright, seeya later sweet cheeks!” We said our goodbyes and hung up.

[MF] Hot sex with a guy my bestfriend set me up with.

So a little backstory, I met Hallam 2 years back when I was still in College, we attended the same Uni. He was a year ahead of me but we had one class together. He’s an easy-going kind of guy, funny and pretty charming, we quickly hit it off and became best friends.

We were the type of friends that’re really close, intimate even, we had sleepovers, we cuddle and watch movies. He hits on me regularly and I flirted with him just as often, we fooled around with each other sometimes, tipsy makeout session and that sort. We were like friends with very little benefits. Also we are each other’s wingman/woman. I met some pretty hot guys through him and lots of times he thanked me for getting him laid.

So anyway about a week ago, friday night, his friend is having a party and he invited me, saying “there’s this guy I want you to meet, thank me later” I’m planning to go out anyway and I know for a fact that I’m in for a treat, since he know me very well and knows my type. I said, “Sure, pick me up?”, with the grin emoji. I know he hates picking me up cos my place is a solid 20-minute drive from his and I sometimes tease him about his “uber-like” car. He agreed anyway after teasing me about charging me for it.