What’s The Difference Between Erotica, And A Book With Sex In It?

I’ve been doing a little thinking, since I’ve gotten my own releases back on track. I think there’s a big difference between a book actually being erotica, and a book just having sex scenes in it. And for me, the difference is whether the sex contributes to the plot. If you could take those sex scenes out, but you wouldn’t lose anything, then it probably fits into another genre.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

Steampunk Erotica Author Seeking Readers and Reviewers

Hello all! I find myself in search of readers and reviewers interested in dark romance, steampunk, and who love an old-fashioned Beauty and The Beast, Jekyll and Hyde sort of story.

If anyone knows of good places to request reviews (social media, blogs, etc.) I’d be eternally grateful for a heads up.

Yours Most Sincerely,

Vincent Cross

(And for those who want to read a free sample of the work in question, the title is [The Uncanny Resurrection of Abraham Carver](https://www.amazon.com/Uncanny-Resurrection-Abraham-Carver-ebook/dp/B01M1JD7QY/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1475073509&sr=8-12&keywords=Vincent+Cross).)

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