A tomboy and her boyfriend at the beach (part 1) [mf]

M rubbed his eyes and looked out at the ocean. The water was a deep shade of indigo. White foam slid between the waves like creases on a pair of faded jeans.

He shielded his eyes from the midday sun, squinting at a figure bobbing up and down between swells. It plunged under the surface to avoid a wave.

M looked down at his torso, lifting the waistband of his briefs to check his tan line. He seemed pleased, and glanced up at the water once again.

The solitary figure had begun walking out from the waist-high surf, waves skidding past and around. From a distance, her short hair, bare chest and boyish trunks gave the impression of an effeminate male. M smiled to himself about it.

She bent down to pick up a jellyfish in a tide pool, inspecting it for a second before lobbing it back into the waves. M sat up on his towel, resting his arms on his knees in front of his chest.

She approached, smiling and squinting in the summer sun. Her nipples poked up from her flat chest, dripping like her hair.

Silence (non-fiction)[M/F][anal]

I’ve [m29] always been into anal, but I’ve always had a complex about it, too. The earliest sexual urge I can remember was wanting to feel the inside of an actress’s butt with my fingers. I didn’t understand the impulse (I didn’t know much about sex at the time), I just remember this palpable longing to touch and penetrate. It was like an intense physical curiosity in my hands themselves, like a compulsion similar to the need to fidget. Very soon after, I noticed the same craving sensation in my mouth, a deep yearning to kiss, lick, tongue and suck. It’s been with me ever since.

When I did learn about sex, I remember feeling a deep sense of self-criticism. I felt like I was broken or mis-wired. I had an appreciation for vaginas in an abstract sense, but it paled in comparison to my desire for butt, which was visceral, coming from the pit of my chest like a hunger… for something that’s not even a primary sex organ, and I knew it. I felt so torn, like my sexuality consisted of a request for an unreasonable favor, like it inherently had to be *accommodated*, like it was something to apologize for.