More adventures with R [MF]

After our initial camping adventure our friendship had definitely changed. We acted more like a couple even though we were not dating and she was still with my friend. We would hang out daily, and just do normal hangout things. We would see movies, go shopping, go out to eat, etc.

But night time was different l, she would cuddle up close to me, ask me to stay the night, just genuinely want to be close to me. Spending the night would always start off innocently. She would cuddle up to me, but we would just go to sleep. After about an hour of spooning she would “get hot” and start stripping off her clothes until she was just in panties. Of course she would ask if I was hot, so I’d get the hint and strip down to my boxer briefs. She would always grind her plump ass against my growing cock until she would get me hard.

She would giggle and say good night. What a tease!!! But I would always wrap my arms around her and start to Plat with her pierced nipples. Making her start to moan. I needed her to get as turned on as much as she does to me.

Friend bet she could make me cum [FM]

I have been friends with my best friend since we were about 5 years old. We hung out all through grade school, high school, and now even as adults. About 10 years ago he started dating a woman we will call her R. They were perfect for each other from the very beginning. And I got along very well with her too. So it was perfect!

We would always hang out a few times a week. Would get together for holidays. And to go on camping trips together, we were very close. She had moved here from across the country so she did not have many other friends besides her boyfriends and myself.

About 2 years into dating, he gets an acceptance letter to go to school and to teach in another country. He was beyond excited! But that means he would be gone for about 2 years. So of course his gf was happy for him. But that means she would be left here by herself during that time. Now he is reasonable. And told her that she could date, have guy friends, etc. As long as nothing got to serious as he was still in love with her. He didn’t want to lose her. She says she had no interest in dating. But he still said it would be ok.

long ride home [35][MF]

I was sitting home one night when I get a text from a friend of mine. He asks if I am doing right now. He needs a huge favor! I saying I am not busy just watching some TV. He said his wife is having car troubles and needs a ride. I question him, “doesn’t you wife work like an hour away from me?” That’s why I am asking for such a huge favor. I will pay you the gas to go and get her.

After a second I reluctantly agree. And tell him to let her know I am on my way. As I am driving it is started to get dark. I send her a message I am about 5 minutes away. She messages back that she is at Starbucks and she will meet me outside.

I pull up and she is dressed is a nice casual business skirt, and blouse showing off quite a bit of cleavage. I say hello as she. Limbs in and gives me a big hug thanking me over and over again. I say it is not a problem and start to drive back. She asks me about my work, and we talk about her work. Then she complains about her husband for a bit. And I just listen and nod my head. She asks me how I got roped into helping him. I said he told me he would pay me the gas money back.

coworkers birthday present [MF]

I had been working at a major chain grocery store for about 3 months when I became friends with one of the checkout women. Her Name is A. We immediately hit it off! We worked similar hours but in different departments of the store, but I would always go flirt with her everyday. (Sometimes causing a problem with my manager)

For the first few month nothing ever happened, we would flirt, joke, and have a pretty innocent hug. But I definitely wanted to see more of her. She was 5 years older then I was, but damn she had the most amazing body. I always wished that I could see more! She knew this as well and would purposely tease me when she could. She would send me pictures “asking” how her outfit was looking. Always showing different angles.

Now the only thing about A was… of course she was married (lucky me 😕) not only was she married, her husband was a vendor for our store. So I would also see him daily, and of course would stay away while he was inside our store.

first meeting turns to wild weekend pt.2 [MF][MFMF]

I had many comments and messages asking for what happened after the events of the first story. And I would never want to disappoint any of you!

After our first group sex of the weekend we were all completely worn out. So we split our ways and decided to take a nap to recuperate. A followed me into the bedroom and we crawled in bed together. While my friend and her man pulled the couch bed out and layed together there. As A starts cuddling into me all I can still think about is her ass pressing against my cock. She is wiggling around and I feel her trying to turn me on again. I grab her nipple and pinch it making her press harder into me. My cock is starting to grow again.

I can hear her let out a slight moan… Damn… this girl is insatiable! I am pinching and pulling on her nipples and she is just grinding harder into my cock. I can’t help it, I position my cock and slide into her warm, and wet pussy. God this feels so good! I have gone from planning a vacation on my own, to having group sex with my coworkers, and now have this overly sexual women in bed with me. I have always found that spooning sex is one of the hottest kinds. It’s super lazy, but you can still fuck deep.

a quick trip across state lines [MF]

This is going to be a long one! But wirth it!

I am not going to mention where I live for privacy reasons, but I can say I do not live is a state where gambling is legal. I have always been a fan of some fun at the casino. The closest town with gambling to me is about an hour an fifteen minutes from where i live. I know it’s not a long trip but I dont make it very often.

I tried to get some friends together to join me in a quick trip over state lines for a night of drinking and fun .but all I got was excuses… “I can’t afford the extra money ” or “my wife doesn’t want me to go.” I figure what ever 🤷‍♂️ I’ll make the trip myself. I pack up an overnight bag, gas up the car at the station and head out on the road. I’m just jamming to some music, eating some junk food and enjoying my drive.

first meeting turns to wild weekend [MF][MMF][MFMF]

I have tried to shorten my stories but they always seem to come out longer then expected 🤣

Back in my wild days of dating in my 20’s I always had a reputation of being kind of the quiet one. (Careful we are the most Dangerous) 😉 I had a good friend that I worked with that was always trying to set me up her best friend. I always made excuses, or I would say I’m seeing someone, but she just kept on trying. I finally broke down about a week before my 24th birthday.

I had made plans to go stay at a condo that my parents owned. Where I didn’t have a change of randomly running into someone I knew, and far enough that my work couldn’t call me and ask me to come into work. I had it reserved for 3 nights at the begining of September. I told me coworker if she and her friend wanted to come up we could all hang out one night.

first time sharing my ex wife [MFM]

Sorry its kind of long, but worth the read!

My ex wife and I always had a pretty average sex life, nothing really to write home about. We would always start with a little foreplay, oral, and then we would do a few positions and call it a night.

This went on for several years until it got to the point that i didn’t even really want sex. It was starting to get boring. We were talking one night while we were in bed and I asked her what her biggest fantasy was, that she/we have never tried. She thinks for a moment and says I don’t really want to tell you. I’m afraid it will cause problems in our marriage. I tell he it ok, I won’t be mad at what she would want. She tells me she wants to sleep with one of her coworkers.

I’m not surprised that she would like to try some other guys cock. I mean I obviously would like to try different pussy once in awhile. It’s human nature to think about other people even while married to someone.

The neighbors wife and I [MF] [35]

I have always been very friendly with all of my neighbors. But when the Johnsons [changed for privacy] moved in I always got along better with them the others. I own my own home so I live by myself and am single.

Things started off normal, they would invite me over for the usual holiday BBQ’s or poker nights. And we became really good friends. But things started to change when the husband started a new job and would be working later hours.

We still would get together on weekends and holidays but I would see the husband much besides these times. The Wife [let’s call her B] was a normal housewife. She worked part time from home so she could take care of their children during the evenings when the husband was not home. When she would see me outside working in my backyard she would always wave and ask if I would like something to drink. I usually excepted her offer and would meet her at our shared wood fence.