My most adventurous few days [FM] [FM] (long)

Almost a year ago I wrote here about my first cheating experience:


The TL;DR is that then-37-year-old, petite, professional, married Asian Good Girl me hooked up with a grad student at a conference, and I was still feeling both excited and tremendously guilty about it. Quite a lot has changed in my life since then, and maybe I’ll write more about some of that later. But for now I want to reminisce about the wildest fling I had in my single days. It was also at a conference, but when I was myself a grad student, and part of what still gets me feeling frisky every time I attend one of these things, though after getting married I never acted on it. Until last year, of course.

my first indiscretion [FM] [cheating]

This happened back in October and I’m still kind of in shock about it. Nobody else knows the details. Even my best friend, who I talk to about everything, only knows that *something* happened. Thinking about it still makes me feel guilty, but also tingly with excitement. I have to tell it somewhere, so hopefully some of you will enjoy reading about it.

I’m 37, and happily married for 8 years. I really have no complaints about the way my life is now. My husband is a great partner in almost every way (including in bed), and my career is very satisfying. But I do sometimes regret that I didn’t… stretch my horizons, if you will, more when I was younger. I was the typical Asian Good Girl, focusing on school, family, and the parent-approved other activities, even into my mid-20s. I wasn’t unhappy, and it’s not like I didn’t have any fun. But the most rebellious I ever was publicly was in going to grad school in the humanities instead of med school. And with only a couple of exceptions, my sex life only involved a few serious BFs over the years. And since I met my now-husband, there hadn’t been anyone else. And I didn’t really want there to be, for real, but a girl can still fantasize.