
Sprawled out on the wild grasses, I was enjoying the warm sun on my body. I’d pulled down my yoga pants and panties in a secluded area, took a photo of my exposure to record this moment of impulse. I slowly open my eyes, blinking rapidly from the brightness of the day, apparently I fell asleep. As my eyes adjust, I’m startled, I’m not alone, my hand moves to tightly cover between my legs and I scoot backwards, but the man sitting to my left, his legs crossed, outstretched and his body angled slightly away from me, is unmoving and calm. Not even looking in my direction though he surely heard and felt my rustling as recognition hit me.

He’s petting my traitor dog’s head and his apparent disinterest and the happy demeanour of my rather skittish dog intrigues me. I relax my grip over my pussy. “You picked a great spot” you speak. Your voice is friendly. Like this is a normal societal encounter. I don’t speak. I take in your posture, you’re sitting upright yet relaxed, leaning back slightly, the muscles of your arm are defined, your jawline, from this angle, is strong. You turn your head and look over at me, you surely see my hand between my legs but your eyes travel over my face. Our eyes meet and I immediately lower them. You continue, “yeah, no one around for miles. Perfect place for privacy”. I think ironically to myself, yeah, that’s what I thought. A hint of smile on my lips. You speak, and sound very assured, confident.
“You should rub yourself”