I [21F] used to be “WILD” [MF]

Long time lurker here so probably time for me to share some stories too.

When I was around 16/17 years old (i’m 21 now), Im Asian, 5’7, 120 lbs and no ass and chest just a bit. I got a phone and immediately downloaded an app called WHISPER. I would express my thoughts there and you can let other people see your “average” location not exact so kinda like the range and there was this one anon who commented on one of my posts and we immediately just chatted it away. From texting to getting to know each other then knowing if he real or not. After some time, we decided to meet up, he drove so he picked me up. I had to sneak out so quietly and I didnt have house keys at this time so I would just leave the door unlocked and sneak out lol. He had an F150 truck and he mentioned he was in college and im like cool ? after quite a conversation

—sexual stuff starts here