[MF] I accidently picked up a hooker and ended up sucking on her tits

**Context:** I am a 21 y/o virgin living at college right now. I have always had issues socially because I have high-functioning autism. Then I went to an all-boys high school. This taught me how to make friends with guys, but it left me even more socially inept when it comes to women. I have never even asked a girl out, let alone date one, and the only two times I kissed a girl were both truth-or-dare games when I was in elementary school. So basically, I have no game whatsoever. This also made me a very straight-laced kid, waiting until I was 21 to smoke weed and drink so it would be legal.

Last night, I went to a party a frat was hosting at their house near campus. I smoked weed and drank, then left the party at 2am when I was sobered enough to drive. I stopped at a Speedway on the way back to my dorm for some Monsters. As I got back into my truck, a black woman (Late 20’s to early 30’s) walked up and asked for a ride home to a really ghetto area a ways away. Just wanting to help her out (and still being autistic) I let her get in and I drove for a long while as she directed me further into a real ghetto part of the city. We made some idle conversation along the way: What I had been doing “I was at a party”, what I did “I go to the University nearby”, how old I am “I’m 21”.