Keep it in your Pants.

Dead. Yes I am dead. Been so for over two hundred and fifty years. It did not have to happen. It was my fault. I never learned to keep my place, to keep my thing in its place.

It started when Miss Josephine returned from that eastern finishing school. I do not know what they taught her there but I do know that she came back very interested in learning about sex. That is where I come in. You see, I am or rather was, two hundred and fifty years ago, a house slave. I was only six months into my training. I was being groomed to replace Jesse who spent his life serving dinner to the white folks. White gloves and all. Since I was the younger, it was part of my duties to bring in water from the well for the house. That is where it began.

Miss Josephine came to me one day while I was bringing water back to the house. Saucy thing she was too in that frilly dress. Practically begged me to do her. Took my hand and put it straight on her breast. Did not ask me, just did it. Probably figured that since her father owned me, she could do what she liked. It was the truth too, though, I do not think that her father had this in mind.