Visit to the Chiroprator and massage [Group]

My wife and I both see the same chiropractor Dr. L, and massage therapist C., who also happen to be married. They both operate a practice in the basement of their home. Because of convenience, it isn’t uncommon for both of us to go for massage and chiropractor adjustments at the same time. Last month that was exactly what happened which lead to what happened a couple days ago.

B and I both went for a visit last month and while I got my massage, he got adjustment and electrical therapy and then we switched. Each takes about 45 minutes and when we are done, both of us feel great. During that visit, B got done about five minutes before I and walked over to the adjustment room just as I was getting the last one. I was laying on my side and Dr. L was behind me instructing me to drop my leg off the side of the table. Once I did that a few times he adjusted my foot behind my knee and then dropped some of his weight on my body to adjust my back. On the way home from that visit, B told me that watching the adjustment, the way I was laying on my side in yoga pants with my leg bent and Dr. L right behind me was a real turn on. I replied that it was hot thinking about him watching me and not knowing how turned on he was. We talked some more and agreed that we should take this further and try and see what happens. Fast forward to this past week.