Getting fucked by a client while on a business trip…again! (M/F) NSFW

You may recall my earlier story about being fucked by my client Dave at a business dinner:

Here is what happened after…

I woke up to the obnoxious sound of a cell phone alarm. Without opening my eyes, I could feel that I was in my hotel room (quite a normal feeling since I stayed in that hotel a few times a month for business). I rolled over to grab my phone while simultaneously realizing that it wasn’t MY phone going off and that I was quite a bit hungover. That’s when the events of the prior night came flooding back to me. The business dinner…the drinks…running into Dave near the restrooms…how he had smiled at me…how he had forcefully grabbed me and kissed me…oh god did anybody see us? Then I remembered how he had come up behind me in the dark bar and slid his hand up my dress…I recalled the sheer ecstasy of his finger sliding beneath my underwear…… and the fear of being caught in that position. Oh right, and then the amazing sex we had had in this very hotel room and then again just a few hours ago. I started to worry if this morning was going to be awkward, when I heard him switch off his alarm and felt him roll up behind me. He moved my hair out of the way, kissing my neck and said “Wow, that was an incredible night, I am seriously dreading going to work today.” I smiled and said “Me too, at least I just have a couple meetings and then I’m on a train back to NY.” He said “Oh right, well I better get going.” He dressed quickly and came over to sit by me in the bed. He leaned in, kissed me, and told me that he had a great time and that I should let him know when I was back in Boston next. I agreed.

[F]ucking [M]y Client At A Business Dinner

Here's a story from one of the hottest nights of my life. I was in my early 20's, living in NYC and working for a brokerage firm. I'm a slender brunette with light eyes, tan skin, and a nice ass (or so I'm told). Part of my job was to manage relationships with several firms in the Boston area that did a lot of trading with us. It was a very fun time in my life. I was enjoying being single after recently ending a long relationship. I was spending several nights a month in a hotel in Boston, taking clients out to dinners, ballgames, etc.