Should have been a normal massage This story is short and sweet but with an erotic twist. I was just looking for a massage to help with my back from work. The massage location isn’t known for special treatment, but I never count any location out entirely. You never know right?
I was in my car waiting for the time I requested on the phone and something occurred to me. What if I had my set to chime or alarm during the massage. If it did that a couple times in a row it could be interpreted as someone texting me. As if I forgot to turn my phone off and have it seem as though someone really was trying to get me. So that is the premise of this story.
I set a bunch of alams to chime about 30 minutes into my massage. They only needed to chime for 30 seconds and then stop. I set a couple in a row so it seemed like I was being texted about 5 to 10 times in a row. Which oddly enough was a minimal amount my girlfriend would hit me up when she really wanted to get in touch with me. She and I didn’t really talk on the phone, it’s all texts.