I [M] finally got some action with Lily

I had been friends with Lily going back to high school. She had a slight, um, reputation back then pertaining to her oral skills. I never got a chance to find out first hand as one of us was always in a relationship so the stars never aligned. She ended up marrying a guy I knew (Mike) and never really thought about her in any sort of sexual way.

Fast forward a few years and they invite me to a Christmas party they have every year (I had been once or twice in the past) and I showed up alone. Lily looked good- she had a curvy body that was accentuated by her tight sweater and skirt combo (I would descirbe her as busty petite). I socialized with everyone at the party and, at one point, went out to the detached garage to get a beer. When I turned away from the fridge, I saw Lily in the garage. We were the only two people outside. She walked up to me, said, “My husband says I need to be more aggressive with you” and started kissing me. Surprised, I kissed her back and we had a good minute-long make out session. We heard someone come outside so we broke it off and headed back to the party.

[MF] I finally got a piece of Lily

Lily and I always flirted with each other, going back to high school. She was exactly my type- a short, busty brunette. For various reasons, we never hooked up at all- usually because one of us was seeing someone else and the stars never aligned for me and her. I always regretted it, too, as she had a reputation for giving great blowjobs. But time and college went by, she got married and we just remained friends.

Last Christmas, she invited me to a house party she and her husband were hosting and I replied that I’d be there. I showed up and she looked sexy as hell- tight low cut top, tight skirt, boots- just one helluva a great outfit. We chatted with each other but not to the exclusion of others at the party. At one point, I walked outside to get a beer in the garage- and this is where things got interesting.