The Baroness and the Bride- Part 2 [FFM] [Fantasy] [Soft Cuckold]

(Thanks to everyone who upvoted and updateme’d part 1! Love it hear from anyone who has feedback or just wants to say they liked it!)

Genevieve took one deep, steadying breath. Before she could speak, Thomas said “My Lady, forgive me, but what happened to Tylor?”

The baroness’s face went blank, and she turned away from them. She picked up the pitcher of wine and began to fill a cup. The bride and groom watched the muscles in her broad dusky back move as she poured.

“I ate him.” She said casually. When she turned around, Thomas and Genevieve had gone very still. She held out the cup of wine to the bride, but Geniveve did not take it. The baroness broke into a wicked smile. “Gods you two, I’m not a monster. He serves me here at the manor. He took the wagon to Silverport to get some things for me.”

The Baroness and the Bride- Part 1 [FFM] [Fantasy] [NTR] [Cuckold]

Thomas Smith and Genevieve, daughter of Louis the Innkeeper, were married under the spreading oak tree on an early spring day just after the second plowing. The weather had held, bright and clear, until midway through Father Liam’s benediction. He had been in the middle of the sentence “Fruit of their loins-“when a tremendous clap of thunder drowned him out. A hammering rain followed a heartbeat later, and drove most of the attendees under any meager corner of shelter they could find. Most, but not all. Many eyes which had been fighting to stay open during the ceremony flashed open at the sight of the bride and her party dancing in the rain, their best dresses now soaked and clinging desperately to their sinuous bodies.