Sexy Shaz and balcony sex.

Alrighty, so lets talk about Shaz.

I’ve been seeing Shaz for a few months now, and I suspect her deviant nature is only just beginning to surface, even though I’ve had an inkling since our first night of hanging out together during which she confessed that she wanted to go down on another girl while I watched. She just threw it out there as a non-sequitur in a conversation that started about the Minions movie; and watched as I spluttered over my drink. I collected myself and grinned, “If it comes to that, I’ll happily watch.” She scowled, ‘fuck that, you’ll be getting involved as well.’

Nothing’s happened yet on that front, but watch this space, I’ll let you guys know how that turns out.

Shaz is a mid 30’s divorcee, and we met at a music festival through mutual friends. Nothing happened there, although we had a definite connection, albeit one fuelled by drink and drugs. We arranged to meet up a few weeks after the festival and Shaz procured a few more pills for us. We went back to hers and got naked and horizontal whilst in the throes of chemically-induced, loved-up passion.

Dirty Carolyn returns

So after our first time hooking up, Carolyn and I began a semi-regular fwb arrangement. It was very casual, and usually consisted of one, or both of us being out in the city on a Friday or Saturday night and giving the other a booty text at 1am or so. Sometimes the other responded, sometimes not. I think perhaps that's why she liked coming round. Not only could I make her come hard, I also wasn't needy like her other guys.

Usually I'd be out with the lads, and feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and just know that it was her. Sometimes she'd text earlier – 7pm or so, and we'd flirt all night via text, building the tension and teasing each other. Sometimes I'd text her straight after work on Friday. If she replied within 30 mins or so, it was a given that I'd be fucking her brains out let that night. Regardless of whoever texted first, the texts more often than not ended in extremely naughty nights.

The evil ex and the summer dress

Well, I call her the evil ex because she was the one that totally broke my heart, but she's not evil. It was just a case of right girl wrong time; or wrong girl right time; whatever, you decide.

Sex with her was pretty vanilla for the most part, but as I try to conjure up another story for you dear reader, one time in particular springs to mind.

We had been seeing each other for about half a year or so, but were in a long distance thing; so a honeymoon period that should have only lasted a few months was still going strong. My only memory of those times is long periods of abstinence, followed by all-too-short four day weekends which were usually spent screwing like bunnies.

One time, in a change to our usual routine, she came to visit me. I had just moved into a flat with my brother – a small complex, two up and two down, with our flat on the top right. Two girls lived in the one below below us but I'd only met them a handful of times. A family lived in the other flat beside them, and a a single older man by himself above them, next to us. The front of all four flats faced onto the small car park, and the backs faced onto a railway line. The two flats above were accessed by external stairs on either side of the building and all in all, it was a pretty cosy little place.

Dirty Carolyn

Ah, Dirty Carolyn. Big tits, red hair, and a penchant for dressing in stylish vintage clothing. She looked like a porn star – in the best possible way – and she fucked like one too.

Ironically, given how things eventuated with us, she gave me the absolute brush-off the first time we met. She was a friend of my sisters' who I was meeting for after work drinks one Friday. A few of my friends came along and so did a few of hers, Carolyn among them. Carolyn is the kind of girl that stands out in the bar, the girl that every guy sneaks a look at when he thinks his girlfriend isn't looking. I took one look and placed her firmly in the 'out of my league' category. Although gorgeous, she had a prudish/ stand-offish vibe about her and shut down any guy who tried to engage her in conversation. That night went as expected – beers, drinking, and going home alone to jerk it.

The Kiwi Roommate

So I'd just moved into a share house in Perth, Australia and was new in town. I'd met two of the girls who also shared the house but had yet to meet Emily, the supposed 'kooky' one.

She worked shift at one of the local hospitals so it was a case of ships in the night to begin with, and after a few days of us both just missing each other, she began leaving little notes in the kitchen 'hey Mark, so sad I didn't get to see you this morning. Again! Smiley face, kiss hug kiss'. She left a few notes along those lines, and I replied in kind. Jo, one of the other girls, looked disapprovingly at one of the notes one morning, 'See? She's a bit crazy. She doesn't even know you and she's leaving notes.' I smiled, not wanting to rock the boat with the new housemates and replied, 'Ach, it's pretty harmless. She seems cool.' Jo hmphed and walked off.