Fantasy Artificer needs help testing her greatest invention. (Noncon, power bottom, mind control.)

Remmy, my hyperactive friend was embarrassed, who wouldn’t be I guess? We sat together in the smokey hall of the drunken skeleton, an old but cozy establishment built from the some of the first trees that were ever felled to build Toilgate. “I just can’t see how it works for men, and not women, surely it’s just a matter of fitting it differently, but noooooo, any change to it’s configuration ruins the effect in it’s entirety.” Said Remmy in her most exasperated voice. She blew a few strands of her short ruby hair out of her pale freckled face once she was done speaking.

After letting her vent I finally ask my oldest friend, for details, ranting helps her cool down I’ve found over the years. “You keep saying that, it works for men and not women, whats the problem exactly?” I ask in my most even tone. She sighs and reaches a skinny hand into a leather pouch at her hip and withdraws a somewhat large, but thin looking ring. It’s golden with a few tiny gems studded into it. Remmy sets it down on the table and slides it to me. I pick it up from the table and quickly note that it’s too large to really fit on any of my fingers, save maybe a thumb, but that seems uncomfortable at best.

Fantasy Paladin dominates a peasant. (femdom, feet, violence)

The sun was as brilliant as it was stifling on this cloudless day. Four weeks of heavy rains had left much of the countryside a flooded, humid, ruined waste. Crops had been annihilated and any house unlucky enough to be on the low lands had been swept away or smash never to bee seen again.

With so much destruction and so very little help from Lord Howle, it was no wonder many of us turned to less honorable means of survival. I hated doing it, I really did, but my choices were so small. Join Lambert and his little band of highway men, or starve begging in the streets. I recalled a lesson from church when I was very small, That the Gods favor the bold over the passive, I prayed each night that this was true and did my best to only take what I needed.