Inspection (fMMMM)(BDSM)(exh)(oral)(buk)

As she stood blindfolded with her hands tightly bound behind her back, she was only vaguely aware of what was going on around her. Debra felt a short cool breeze across her nude skin causing her nipples to harden and she could feel the grooves in what she assumed was a wooden floor beneath her uncovered feet. The room she was in she thought must have been cavernous as the voices she heard seemed to echo all around her. Her thoughts raced as she stood there nervously. She had agreed to this, to all of this. In fact she had secretly fantasized about exactly what was happening. But now that it was happening, momentary waves of fear washed over her. She had no idea what the days and weeks ahead of her would bring and having signed away any control over herself or her body made her second guess her decision and she could feel her body begin to shake. Her thoughts began to race faster and become incoherent in her mind. Her mind. MY mind. She began to steel herself with that thought. MY mind. She may have willingly signed over her body, but Debra’s mind was her own. That is what she told herself and that is what she quietly repeated over and over until the shaking dissipated.