Forewarning, this turned into a long story. Hope you like it still.
So this would have been a few weeks after our first time.
Sarah messaged me the next day and said “hey so I get it if you didn’t want to be friends anymore”.
Replied to her saying “are you crazy, why would I not want to be friends!? Fucked a hot chick and she wanted my cock, if anything want to be better friends!”
“Really? OK because was worried that you’d just ghost me after getting some”.
Needless to say I wasn’t ghosting Sarah at all!
We continued as normal, started getting snaps of her magnificent boobs as she knew I loved them. A cheeky wee bum grab if passing in the coffee/lunch room and others weren’t around, that sort of thing.
Anyway an opportunity arose where we both had the day off during the week… we arranged to meet at her place.