So a quick bit on me. I’m 6ft reasonably athletic and have been blessed with a pretty great 8 inch cock which I am proud of. I am in my early twenties and this happened relatively recently. Id quite dramatically come out of a long dry spell and this follows on from my luck changing.
So after my previous story (Found a cuck couple on reddit and had ended up fucking the hot wife) I had obviously gained a lot of confidence and had started telling it a lot on drunken nights out. Well turns out words spread fast. On one of my fairly normal club nights out a friend introduced one of his own mates and winked at me knowingly, which I thought was odd but didn’t understand til much later. We ended up getting on quite well, and I woke up the next day to him having dropped me a message asking me if I wanted to come out for drinks with him his girlfriend and a few others next week. I said sure, seemed fun, and didn’t think too much of it until the day.