[M]y Nerdy Girl[F]riend – After Paris, sort of… (Part 10 of my saga with Beth)

This is the latest installment as I share the details of those crazy times in my life spent with Beth. If you haven’t caught up with the previous episode it’s on my profile. This one starts off right where Part 9 left off. Another long read, but you’d better strap in for this one.


I didn’t stay over with Annie. She asked me to, but it wasn’t like that with us. I suppose part of me wanted to stay, if only to add to the depth of my anger at Beth for what I assumed she was doing with Philippe. But the other part of me definitely didn’t want to stay over, because that could mean that Annie was something more than just my fuck toy. So after a few minutes laying with her, I got up and got dressed, feeling like a total dirtbag for using her like that.“That was amazing,” I told Annie. I gave her a deep kiss. “I’m gonna head out.”

“When am I going to see you again?” Annie asked. Her eyes were glistening. She blinked through it.

“I’m not sure,” I replied. “I go back to school in a couple of days.”

[M]y Nerdy Girl[F]riend – Things Took a Turn (Part 9 of My Saga with Beth)

It’s taken me a while to get this next part written, in part because these memories were hard for me to relive. I think we all have episodes in our lives we’re not proud of, or that left us with mixed emotions. This was one of those times for me. If you haven’t caught up with the previous account, it’s [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/y3zgou/my_nerdy_girlfriend_taking_it_to_the_next_level/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). And this is a long story, but if you’ve followed this so far, you’ll appreciate reading the details. This chapter starts off exactly where the last one ended.


“Hey Girlfriend,” I said.

“Hey Boyfriend,” Beth replied. It was the happiest I’d felt in my life, and at that time I thought nothing would ever change that. I was high on the connection we felt with each other. It was new, it was special, it was exciting.

She taught me oral [MF]

So I was DM’ing with a follower who has been chatting with me for a while. She was complimenting the retelling of my adventures with Beth many years ago, and she remarked on my particular success with oral sex with Beth. Frankly, I’ve always thought oral was a skill set in which I excel, and it’s because of the experience I had early on, thanks to one particular girl, Stephanie. So I thought I’d share that experience. This is the story of how Steph taught me to eat pussy.

So I was 18, just started my senior year in high school. I’d lost my virginity a couple years before that but didn’t exactly have a line of girls outside my door. I was a bit of a nerd and somewhat introverted, but I was fairly self-confident.

Steph was the older sister of my friend Troy. She was 19 going on 20 and in her sophomore year of college. I’d known her for a long time, since we had grown up in the same town. We had gone to the same elementary and middle schools, although I had moved away for my first two years of high school and then moved back – since she was two years ahead of me in school, we never went to the same high school together.

[M]y Nerdy Girl[Friend] – taking it to the next level (Part 8 of my saga with Beth)

So after my week of manipulating Beth, we established what we really wanted. We were still young and stupid, and we didn’t really know how to express our feelings to each other. Beth was better than me at asking and listening. I was better at telling and reacting. Despite our relative immaturity, we communicated well enough to eventually reach common ground. This is Part 8 of my account of my time with Beth. If you didn’t read the previous installment, you can find it in my profile.
“I only want this…with you,” Beth had said to me.
We laid there in the glow of my desk lamp exhausted, sleepy, and content. I didn’t understand it all yet, but I knew we had just moved to another level in our relationship. I stared at the ceiling thinking about this beautiful soul next to me and this ride we had been on over the past few months. Beth was still laying on her stomach with her head turned to me. Her dark curls that I loved so much draped gently over her ear and down across her shoulder. She reached her hand out, put it on my chest and closed her eyes. A satisfied smile spread across her face. I listened as her breathing slowed and she fell into a peaceful sleep. Slower breaths, shallower breaths, she was so relaxed. I felt the warmth and weight of her hand on my chest as I breathed in and out, just listening to her sleep. And then there was a different sound. The tiniest little snore. “Hurrrggghhahhhhhh…”. I laughed, trying to stifle it so I wouldn’t wake her up. It was the cutest snore I’d ever heard.
I eventually fell asleep beside her. We slept for a long time – the tension of the prior week and the contentment of finally breaking through it had worn us out physically, mentally, and emotionally. I woke up to Beth snuggled beside me, naked and warm under my comforter, and of course I had stiff morning wood. I opened my eyes to her staring at me, softly smiling, and running her fingers through my hair.
“Mmmm…that’s nice,” I said. She knew I loved it when she did that.
“Morning babe,” Beth said. “I see you slept well.”
“How long have you been awake?” I asked.
“A while,” she replied. “I’ve been watching you sleep. You were snoring.”
“Oh yeah?” I said. “Well I guess we have that in common.”
“What?” she said, feigning outrage.
“You fell asleep last night and started snoring,” I told her.
“You lie! I don’t snore!” she said playfully.
“They were little lady snores. I thought it was adorable,” I told her with a wide grin.
“Well, I say you’re full of shit,” she insisted. Beth tilted my face to hers, closed her eyes, and kissed me deeply. We kissed for several minutes, taking the time to enjoy our lips, our mouths, our tongues. She slid her hand from my hair, down across my chest and squeezed my nipple; we both giggled. She slid her hand down to my still-stiff morning wood. “Hmmm…I was right. You did sleep well,” she said in her playfully sexy voice. “I guess I’ll have to take care of this!”
Beth fluffed the comforter up in the air and slid down the bed all at once, moving between my legs while the comforter floated back down on top of us. She kept the comforter over her head; all I could see was her shape beneath the covers as she wrapped both hands around my cock. I could feel her tongue start on my balls, licking from underneath, lifting them up with her tongue and then letting them flop back down as she moved her tongue around my sack. She put one of my balls and then the other in her mouth, drawing them out with a pop. Her tongue moved up to the base of my shaft, gently flicking back and forth. The fact that I could only feel her and not see her heightened the sensation. Beth’s tongue moved up my shaft and stopped just at the underside of my tip.
“Mmmm,” I said. “That feels good.”
Her tongue moved around the edges of my tip, circling it as I felt my dick stiffen. She gripped my shaft firmly, then slowly slid her mouth down over my dick. Her warm wet mouth felt amazing. I could see the comforter move up and down as she bobbed back and forth on me. But I caught the edges of her back teeth on the downstrokes. Bless her, she was trying her best to manage my girth. I loved that she was working hard to please me.
Soon she had one hand massaging my balls with the other hand stroking and her mouth on my tip. It was a damn good blowjob even with the teeth. Suddenly, she stopped, sat up and threw the comforter off of us. Her forehead was sweaty and her face was red. “God damn it’s hot under this thing!” she said, and we both laughed. She went back to work sans covers – massaging, stroking, sucking. After a couple more minutes of this, I reached down and gently pulled her head off my cock. She looked at me with a puzzled expression. “Come up here,” I said, as I pulled her up to my face and gave her a deep kiss. Then I guided her to sit up, legs on either side of my hips. I slid down between her legs, and she giggled.
“Where are you going?” She asked. I maneuvered my torso and arms down between her legs as I slid my own legs off the bed. This put my face directly under her pussy. With Beth now straddling my face, I reached up with both hands and held onto her rib cage. I probed her hole with my tongue as I felt her natural lube gush. She purred. I moved up her slit to suck on her clit and felt it start to swell in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it while sucking it, and Beth began to writhe on top of me. I looked up to the best view ever as she cupped her breasts and played with her nipples. I reached down and started to stroke my rock-hard dick, still slick with Beth’s saliva.
We stayed like this for a few minutes, both of us moaning softly as we were absorbed in the moment. Beth leaned forward and lifted her pussy from my mouth. It was my turn for the puzzled expression. She flipped around to face the other way and said “you shouldn’t have to work that beautiful dick by yourself.” She moved over me, straddled my face and lowered her mouth onto my dick again. Her breasts pressed down on my stomach while her lips once again slid down my dick. For some reason, her teeth didn’t catch my glans as much in this direction. It felt amazing. I reached around her thighs and pulled her more firmly onto my face, sucking and swirling her clit. She let out a whimper, I let out a moan. We were both getting close. I could feel Beth’s saliva running down my ballsack as it tightened. Her juices ran down my chin as her clit swelled even more. She whimpered with her mouth full of my cock and then started to grind her hips, pressing her pussy harder onto my mouth. With that, she let out a long, low moan as her legs twitched beside my head. Right away I exploded into her mouth. She kept stroking and sucking as pump after pump of my hot jizz filled her mouth. I lapped up her juices as she continued to grind on my face. She swallowed my cum and I swallowed hers. We finally unlocked our mouths from each other, and she laid there on top of me. I grabbed both of her ass cheeks and squeezed, then smacked them. She giggled. “I’m stuck!” she said. With my legs off the bed, she couldn’t reach over to press herself up and roll off of me.
“I see that,” I replied, and I played the bongos on her ass cheeks. I laughed.
“Cut it out!” she chuckled. “Help me get up!”
“Ok, fine,” I said sarcastically. I rolled her over toward the edge of the bed. Her arm slipped and she fell halfway off. Her head was off the bed, both arms on the floor, and we were both laughing hysterically. She was in the most vulnerable position so I tickled her pussy.
“Stop it!” she said through laughter. And she rolled herself the rest of the way to the floor. I slid back up to the head of the bed while she stood up. Her sweaty curly hair and her beautiful breasts were in full view, and I loved it. She grabbed a pillow off the bed and smacked me with it.
“Oh that’s how it’s gonna be?” I asked, both of us still laughing. I grabbed my own pillow and knelt on the bed while we swung the pillows at each other. It was my first naked pillow fight. After a few more swings, I grabbed her pillow with my free hand and said, “OK, truce?” She laughed and nodded. “Let’s grab a shower.”
“OK,” Beth said. And then I hit her with my pillow one more time and laughed. “Hey!” she shouted. I walked out the door to go to my bathroom. David was sitting at the kitchen counter facing me, with his morning coffee and a book. He looked up and saw me naked again and rolled his eyes. I guess him seeing my dick was starting to become a routine. I walked into my bathroom just as Beth was walking out of my room, also totally naked. I quickly hopped into the bathroom and closed the door, then flipped the lock. I assume David got an eyeful of naked Beth, because she shouted “Hey!” and pounded on the door. I only made her suffer for a moment as she shouted “let me in!” I opened the door and pulled her to me, smiling and laughing. Her face was red with embarrassment. I leaned in and gave her a kiss, smiling from ear to ear.
The shower was fun, even though both of us being in there left little room to maneuver. I shampooed her hair, she did mine. I soaped her up and made sure to get all of her important bits clean, her breasts, her ass, her pussy. She felt that my dick needed extra cleaning, soaping and stroking it thoroughly to ensure there was no dirt left. After we rinsed off, Beth said, “are you sure it’s clean? I’d better check.” She knelt down and sucked it a few times, then pulled it out of her mouth with a pop. “Now it’s clean,” she declared.
Beth threw on a spare pair of jeans she had at my place and one of my smaller t-shirts. “You look really sexy in my shirt,” I complimented her.
Beth smiled and said, “what, this shirt?” as she squeezed her tits together. Damn, she looked good.
We went out for coffee and then a walk around campus for a couple hours. Around 11:30, we decided to stop by our favorite pizza joint for lunch.
We ordered and then sat down in a booth. “So…” Beth said. I knew we needed to talk about last night.
“Yeah,” I said. “I suppose we need to talk?”
We did. For the next hour over pizza and Coke, we recounted our experiences of the past few weeks. While it was difficult for me to talk about emotions and my sexual proclivities, it was easier for Beth to talk freely. She put me at ease, and I opened up about having fooled around with Laura on our first night. Beth talked about Mr. Frat Guy getting handsy with her on the night of Laura’s sex performance. We each reacted differently to seeing the other in a non-exclusive sexual situation – Beth’s reaction was to distance from me and keep things casual; my reaction was jealousy.
We talked about Steven on the night I threw him out of Beth’s apartment. The physical confrontation had scared her, but my rage had strangely turned her on. We admitted that we both found it hot to have sex in front of Laura and David and to see them have sex next to us. And what a turn on it was seeing Laura’s later public exploits, even though it really hurt David. Beth finally apologized for getting David caught up in all of that.
And finally, we opened up about last night and the week leading up to it. We didn’t use words or labels like “kink” and “fetish,” but we came to understand each other. I didn’t mind if Beth was turned on by other guys; in fact it excited me. But I wanted her all to myself. Beth enjoyed flirting with other guys and admitted that seeing me get jealous turned her on. I liked to have control; Beth liked it when I took control. It was an awkward conversation, yet the most mature one I’d ever had. In the end, holding hands across the table, we affirmed that we would be exclusive sexually. We agreed to tell each other when we were turned on by other people. And I would temper my jealousy while Beth would let me dominate her when I chose to.
There was one last topic to discuss. We were only a week away from the end of Fall term, and we wouldn’t see each other for about a month. Outside of school, we lived far apart. My family was a few hours away in the same state. Beth’s family lived in New York, just outside of the city. Her parents were taking Beth and her younger sister to Europe for a couple of weeks around Christmas. “Wow,” I thought. I’d never been outside the country. Beth was excited to tell me about the trip.
“I wish you could come,” she said. “Paris is so beautiful.” So this wasn’t even her first time in Paris. I realized there was a lot I didn’t know about Beth.
“Well then I expect some postcards,” I said. “And to hear all about it when you’re back.”
We knew we would be busy the next week with final exams, but we planned to get together right after our last test, in the P-Chem class we had together. It would be our last night with each other before we left for break. “I’m going to come over and make you dinner,” I announced.
“Really?” Beth said, with a too-surprised tone. “I didn’t know you could cook.”
I’m quite a good cook, actually, I’d even won a couple of cooking competitions back in high school. “I guess there are some things you just don’t know about me,” I replied.
The following Wednesday came, the day of our last exam. I waited for Beth outside the classroom, gave her a kiss and told her I’d be over later to make dinner. She sounded excited. “I’m headed to the bookstore; I’ll see you at home,” Beth said.
“Later,” I said as she walked away from me. I stood there for a moment and admired her from behind. Her dark curly hair was bouncing as she walked. She was wearing her usual jeans and a loose sweatshirt that had hid her amazing body from me for so long. She turned around and looked over her shoulder to see me watching her, and she flashed a wide smile.
I showed up later at Beth’s apartment with a bag of groceries and two bottles of wine. “Ooh, white wine?, Beth teased. “I didn’t know you were so fancy!”
“It’s a little for cooking, but we’ll drink the rest.” I explained. I unpacked the groceries. “Where’s Laura?” I asked.
“She already left for break,” Beth said. She came up behind me and ran her fingers through my hair. Leaning close, she said, “so we have the whole place to ourselves.” And reaching around, she grabbed my crotch. “We’ll have to make the most of that,” she said in her sexy voice.
I spun around and grabbed Beth by her hips, pulling her into me. I raised my hand to the back of her head and guided her toward me for a deep kiss. “Mmmm,” she said. “I like how this is starting.” We kissed some more while I squeezed her ass. Then the phone rang. The Caller ID showed it was Beth’s house in New York. “Wonderful timing,” she said sarcastically. “I’d better take this.”
“I’ll get the food going,” I said.
“Hi, Mom,” Beth answered the phone. She stretched the phone cord around to the other side of the wall to avoid the noise I was making with the groceries, pots and pans. I could hear some of her conversation. Mom was checking to see how exams went, making sure Beth was packed to fly home the next day, all the things a mom would be calling about.
“Yes, Mom,” I heard. “Yes, I know,” she said. “I’ll be packed and ready…I know…yes Mom.”
It sounded like the important things were covered and the conversation turned casual. “It’s not too chilly here…oh, it’s gonna be cold, I’ll have to remember to bring my heavy coat…Laura’s already gone home…yes I think so.” And then as I started to prep the ingredients, I heard Beth say to her mom, “oh tonight? My boyfriend is making me dinner…yes, apparently he’s a good cook…I know, it’s really sweet…I’ll let you know.”
I stopped what I was doing. Boyfriend? She’d never called me that before. We had agreed to keep things sexually exclusive but remain close friends. I’m not sure if it mattered. I’m not sure why it seemed to matter. But it did. I was her boyfriend, and in that moment it meant something to me. Beth finished up her call and came back around to hang up the phone. She saw me standing there, staring at her. “What?” she said, furrowing her brow.
“I heard what you said to your mom,” I told her.
“What, about packing for my flight home?” she said. “Yeah, I’m about half packed already, it’s no big deal, I’ll finish up in the morning.”
“No, about dinner, dork,” I chuckled. “Who did you tell her is making you dinner?”
Beth blushed and cast her eyes downward. She bit her bottom lip. “My…boyfriend,” she said sheepishly.
“You’ve never called me that before,” I pointed out.
She gathered herself. “Well that’s what you are,” she said with a sweet smile.
I strode across the room and pulled her to me. She giggled. I closed my eyes as we kissed, tongues swirling. I moved my lips to her earlobe and nibbled as she giggled happily, and then moved down to her neck. I was buzzing for her. Beth grabbed a handful of my hair and turned her head to let me kiss more of her neck. “Mmmmm…,” she purred. I could already feel my cock bulging through my jeans. In one motion, I lifted her shirt off over her head and tossed it aside. I bent down to suck on her nipples while I tugged her pants down around her hips. Beth helped slide them down the rest of the way. As she stood back up, she lifted my shirt off, then ran her hands across my chest, laughing playfully. I tugged at my pants and dropped them around my ankles. Beth laughed again.
“You’ve got the giggles,” I said. She laughed some more. “That’s cute.” I pushed her a few inches back against the wall and pressed my body against her, kissing her again, twisting our tongues together. She put her arms around my neck as I held her against the wall, my cock fully hard and sliding against the inside of her thighs. She laughed lightly, then I picked her up by her hips. Beth wrapped her legs around me and gasped. I pressed the tip of my cock against her pussy. It was slick, but my dick was dry and it wouldn’t slide in. I pressed her against the wall again, holding her there with my body weight. With one hand I aimed my cock straight ahead and swirled the tip against her pussy, coating it with her slick juice. I pressed my cock in again, and it slid in about an inch. I pulled out and pressed in again while Beth gasped once more. It slid in maybe two inches total. I pulled out a third time and pressed in firmly but slowly. Beth moaned as all seven of my thick inches slid in this time.
“Oh god,” she said, as I pushed all the way in, pressing her to the wall. She was fully aroused now. I slid out and pressed in again, slowly still. Out and in again, a little bit faster. I could feel her tight pussy gripping my cock. I thrust faster, standing there, fucking her against the wall.
To be honest, even Beth’s somewhat small frame was getting heavy. Still holding her up with my cock deep inside, I turned her around and laid her on the small kitchen table. It was just at the perfect height as I stood upright, got a good grip on Beth’s hips, and ground into her. I pulled out and thrust in hard, out and in, harder each time. Beth was moaning now, and she let out another “Oh god.” I fucked her even harder on that table, the weight and motion of our bodies making the table legs squeak. I was pounding away, with the sound of wet skin slapping together marking my rhythm. “Oh fuck,” she said. “Yes!” I could tell she was getting close. “Fuck me harder,” she said. I was breathing fast, railing her as hard as I could. I picked up the pace as she moaned again. “Fffffuuuuuuucccckkkkkk!!!” Beth yelled as her pussy gripped me even harder, and I kept going until I passed the point of no return. I pulled out and stroked a few times while I blew my load all over her stomach and tits. I leaned against the table, my hands at her sides.
“God damn!” she said. “Where did that come from?”
“Your boyfriend gets to have his way with you when he chooses to,” I smirked. “That’s what we agreed, right?”
“My boyfriend can fuck me like that any time,” Beth purred. I helped her off the table. She giggled again and it made me smile. “I guess we need to clean the table before dinner,” she joked.
“I’ll take care of that,” I offered. “You go clean up and I’ll get back to cooking.” I got dressed again and cleaned up from our kitchen sex. I heard Beth in the bathroom while I finally got started cooking. I made a simple sautéed shrimp in a white wine-butter sauce with pasta and broccolini. It was a dish I’d made several times before, so I was confident choosing it for the first time I’d cooked for Beth. Still, I was meticulous – I wanted it to be perfect for her. We had basic plates and had to use plastic cups for icewater and wine, but I set the table as nicely as I could. After about 20 minutes, Beth came out to the kitchen as I was just getting ready to serve dinner.
“Wow!” Beth said when she saw what I’d prepared. “This looks amazing!”
“I hope you like it babe.” She kissed me on the cheek and sat down.
I grabbed my wine and held it up. “Cheers!” I said.
“Cheers!” Beth replied, and we touched cups with a plastic thud.
I was actually nervous. I’d been cooking since I was 12, and I’d cooked for friends and family before. But this was different. Beth was special. I really wanted her to like it.
“Wow, this is really good!” she said. “How did you make this?” I must have smiled a mile wide. I told her what was in the dish, and she asked me all kinds of questions about cooking, how I learned to do it, what other kinds of things I make. It really fed my ego. “I never knew this about you,” she said. There was a lot we had yet to learn about each other.
Beth admitted she was a horrible cook; she didn’t make much more than ramen. “Well I’ll have to teach you a few things,” I offered. We talked and ate and drank our wine, finishing a whole bottle. It was really nice to just sit and relax.
“There’s more!,” I said. “I didn’t have time to make dessert, so I got something from the bakery.” I went to the fridge and got out a crème brûlée, along with some berries and a can of whipped cream.
“Oh my god, you really went all out!” Beth said. I slid her chair over next to mine and grabbed two spoons. I added some berries and a little dollop of whipped cream. Of course, I sprayed some whipped cream into my mouth as well, because that’s what you do. Beth grabbed the can and sprayed some into her mouth, giggling.
“Mouth full of cream…that looks familiar,” I smirked as Beth swallowed. She laughed at my dirty joke and had to cover her mouth. “Here,” I said, handing her a spoon, “you first.”
Beth took a bite and ate it off the spoon, then looked me in the eye and licked the spoon all around the edges. We both cracked up at her corny attempt to act sexy. She dipped the spoon in and got a bite for me. “Open up,” she ordered, as she put the spoon in my mouth.
“Mmm,” I said. “That’s pretty good.”
“Needs more whipped cream,” Beth said. She grabbed the can and sprayed whipped cream into my mouth, laughing.
We took turns feeding each other, giggling and spraying whipped cream into our mouths. I grabbed a strawberry with my fingers and put it near her mouth, but accidentally dropped it onto her boobs. “Oops,” I said. “Sorry about that.”
Beth smirked. “”Aww,” she said with fake disappointment, “that’s gonna stain.” She took her shirt off, then grabbed a berry and held it close to my mouth. I smiled and laughed because I could see what was coming. “Oops!” she mocked me, and dropped it down my front. Beth stood up and grabbed my shirt. “That’s gonna stain too.” She pulled it up over my head and sat on my lap. Grabbing the can again, she sprayed whipped cream in my mouth and then kissed me, swirling the cream around my mouth and licking it out with her tongue. I reached around and popped her bra off. “Hehehe, was that stained?” she asked.
“Yeah I think it was,” I replied. I grabbed the can and sprayed into her mouth, then kissed her as she’d done to me. We laughed through the kiss. I picked up a blueberry and put it on my tongue. Beth kissed me and stole the blueberry, smiled broadly and ate it. I dipped my fingers into the crème brûlée and put them in her mouth. “Mmmm,” Beth said. She swirled her tongue around my fingers and licked them clean. I dipped my fingers in the dessert again and raised my fingers toward her mouth, but I faked her out when she moved to lick them. I pulled back and smeared the crème brûlée on each of her nipples. We giggled. I leaned her back and licked her hard nipples, then sucked them clean. Beth reached down and unbuttoned my jeans. She grabbed the whipped cream, and before I realized what she was doing, shoved the nozzle down the top of my pants and sprayed.
“What the…” I said, laughing hard.
Beth stood up and sarcastically said, “oh no!” She grabbed my hand and pulled me up, then unzipped my pants and pulled them down. It was messy for sure, whipped cream everywhere. I scooped up a small handful of the crème brûlée and stuck my hand down her pants.
“Oops!” I said, then slid off her pants.
We laughed together, standing there naked in Beth’s kitchen with sticky dessert between our legs. I guided Beth to the floor and laid her on her back. I licked all the crème brûlée off her pelvis, her thighs, and just above her clit. Beth rolled over and licked the whipped cream off my dick. I reached up to grab the can and bring it down with us. With Beth on her back, I sprayed whipped cream on both of her nipples, then in a line down her stomach, and I covered her pussy like a piece of pie. Beth rubbed the cream into her nipples while I grabbed the berries and placed them on the line of whipped cream down her stomach. Beth’s stomach shook as she laughed. “What the hell are you doing?” she asked jokingly.
“You’re my dessert,” I said. I ate all the berries with just my mouth as I licked the stream of whipped cream and slowly lapped it all up off her pussy. The sweet sugary cream melted into her warm wet hole. I circled it with my tongue and probed into her. Beth inhaled quickly. I flicked my tongue from side to side as I moved up to her clit and made light circles. She hummed. I reached up to the table to grab my ice water. I fished out an ice cube and circled Beth’s nipples with it. They were already hard, but the cold sensation made them stiffer. Beth arched her back, and her breathing quickened. I sucked on her nipples to warm them back up, while I reached down to rub her clit. She closed her eyes and softly moaned. I fished out another ice cube and held if between her breasts. Beth inhaled again as I slid it down onto her stomach. The cold ice on her warm skin left a wet trail as I slowly moved the ice lower and lower. I moved around and planted my face between her thighs. While I started to lick and suck the way I knew she liked it, Beth grabbed a fistful of my hair. Her breath quickened. I got another ice cube and put it in my mouth. This was going to be fun.
I went down on Beth again, and with my tongue I maneuvered the ice cube onto her clit. She inhaled and tightened her abs. I pushed the ice cube to the back of my mouth and warmed her clit with my tongue. I slid two fingers into her cunt and stroked her g-spot. I pushed the melting ice cube forward again, back onto her clit. Beth whimpered and tightened up again, the cold sensation bringing her closer to the edge. I dropped the ice from my mouth onto my palm and held it against her vagina while I again warmed up her clit with my tongue. Beth let out a high-pitched groan as the contrasting temperature seemed to heighten her sensations. I grabbed another ice cube and popped it into my mouth. I repeated the clit move with the ice, cold followed by the warmth of my tongue, all the while maintaining suction and swirling action. I slid a third finger inside her, and it brought her to climax. She opened her eyes but rolled them back. “Oh my GOD!!” she shouted as I increased the speed of my tongue and thrust my fingers in and out. Her abs went tight and her back arched as the walls of her pussy tightened around my fingers. She had both hands on the back of my head, pressing my face into her cunt as she shivered and bucked. I kept at it for what must have been 20 seconds as she continued to shout and scream. Finally, I released her and let her come back down. She laid there for a moment, catching her breath. “Holy shit,” she finally said. “That was incredible.” Beth pulled me up to her face. Her eyes were watery. She closed them and kissed me, thrusting her tongue into my mouth. She rolled over on top of me, then pressed herself up and looked into my eyes. With a sly grin, she slid downward, kissing my chest and my stomach on the way.
Beth fished out an ice cube for herself. With one hand, she stroked my half-hard cock. With the other hand, she ran the ice cube around my balls. It was my turn to inhale sharply as the cold sent a shot of electricity through my nerves. She ran the ice cube up the base of my dick as she took my balls into her mouth. She pressed the ice against my shaft while she stroked up and down. As the ice melted, cold water ran down onto my balls, leaving spots of warm and cold contrast that felt incredible. Beth grabbed another cube and kept stroking with it, then rubbed the ice around the head of my dick. I was breathing faster now, hard as a rock, and clenching my muscles to fight the shock of the cold. She looked me in the eye as she continued the ice torture, until I whimpered and bit my lip. My dick was going numb from the cold. Beth moved up and straddled my hips, took hold of my cock, and guided it into her opening as she impaled herself on it. I grunted and she moaned as the warmth and wetness of her tight pussy contrasted with the frigid skin on my shaft. It was a sensation I’d never felt before. She slid up and down and ground her hips back and forth. “Oh fuck,” I said as I knew I wasn’t going to last long. She picked up the pace, playing with her nipples as she rode me hard. I thrust up into her, in rhythm with her movement. She started to moan as well, then reached down with one hand to finger her clit. The sight of her playing with herself was too much; I couldn’t hold back any longer. Beth kept going as I grabbed her hips and grunted, blowing my load deep inside her. She screamed a moment later as she came yet again.
Beth lifted herself off of me, my cum dripping out of her pussy and coating my cock as is twitched for the final few times. She laid down alongside me as we both let out long sighs.
“Wow,” I said. Beth purred. “So I take it you enjoyed dinner?” I asked.
“Oh god yes,” she replied. We smiled at each other.
“Do you find this floor as uncomfortable as I do?” I asked with a laugh.
“Yes!” she confirmed and laughed with me. I helped her up. We were both hot and sweaty and wet and sticky and completely happy. We stood there in each others arms.
“Hey Girlfriend,” I said.
“Hey Boyfriend,” Beth replied. It was the happiest I’d felt in my life.

[M]ore Bulge [F]un

I recently had to take a redeye flight overnight from the west coast to the east coast. These are usually pretty chill as they leave late at night Pacific time and everyone is kind of sleepy. It was a nice plane, a widebody, and I had the privilege of sitting in a premium cabin with larger, more comfortable seats. I had the aisle seat and there was just one seat next to me by the window.I was among the first passengers to board, so the seat next to me stayed empty for a long time. I felt that faint sense of optimism that I’d get more space to spread out, hoping the boarding door would close before someone took that seat. But with only minutes to spare, my seat mate arrived.

[M]y nerdy [F]WB – figuring out what we really wanted (Part 7 of my saga with Beth)

I’m getting toward the end of the accounts of my time with Beth. It was a crazy time in my life that I’ve remembered in great detail for all these years. If you’ve read the previous installments, you’ll understand why these memories have stuck with me the way they have. The previous installment is [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/UndergroundEdge21/comments/xvzmp1/my_nerdy_fwb_after_the_show_word_got_around_part/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). By the way, if any of you younger folks don’t know what Caller ID is, or what it means to “let the machine pick it up,” ask someone who is 40 or older. This installment picks up at the exact moment the previous one left off. This is a long one, but read to the end and you won’t be disappointed.


My mind was racing as I came down from the high of the most intense orgasm I’d ever had. The physical and emotional ride that I had just been on was indescribable. My body had experienced sensations that I didn’t know were possible. My mind had experienced anger and lust, rage and passion, jealousy and deep affection, and…control.


It was like a switch had flipped in my head.

[M]y nerdy [F]WB – after the show, word got around (Part 6 of my saga with Beth)

If you didn’t read the account of how me and Beth, plus Laura and David, ended up having sex in front of each other, you can read about that [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xtxl6b/my_nerdy_fwb_and_me_put_on_a_show_part_5_of_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).
Well, where to begin? Beth had broken the post-sex tension with her remark about ruining the pizza. She was right, by the way, have you ever put pizza in the oven to keep warm for too long? Ugh. Anyway, this isn’t about our dinner.
It was, to say the least, awkward. The girls were naked, us boys had our pants around our ankles, my cum was all over Beth and David’s cum was, well, all over himself. This wasn’t something any of us had expected; it had just happened. Beth got up and walked into my bathroom to hop in the shower. I stood up and stumbled a little as I pulled my pants back up. Laura grabbed the shorts and t-shirt she had been wearing and hustled off to David’s room, while David pulled his pants up and his cum-covered shirt down. We looked at each other with an expression somewhere between confusion and a visual high-five. David opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out was “Uhhh…”. We turned and went to our rooms.
I was a little concerned for David. He wasn’t any kind of ladies’ man – hell, neither was I. But David was actually kind of shy around girls. I knew he had a girlfriend in high school and he had dated one girl since we had become roommates. Laura was very free sexually and had no issues with purely casual hookups. David wasn’t the kind to take a sexual encounter so casually, so I wondered if he might get emotionally attached to Laura after this. I went in to my room to find Beth waiting for the shower to warm up.
“That was…interesting,” I said.
Beth laughed. “Why do you say it that way? That was fucking hot,” she countered. “You certainly got into it.”
She was right of course. “Yeah, that was amazing,” I said. I’ve never done anything quite like that before.”
“Well that was a first for both of us,” Beth said with a sexy grin. “I’d always wondered what group sex was like.”
“I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t wondered about it too,” I said. Because of course I had fantasized about it. “I just never pictured David in that fantasy.” Then it dawned on me. “Wait, you didn’t plan that all along, did you?” Beth looked away and tested the water temperature with her hand. “Beth,” I repeated, “did you plan for that to happen when you asked Laura to come hang out with us and David?” She just turned back toward me and smiled, then hopped in the shower.
Wow, I thought to myself. This nerdy don’t-call-me-your-girlfriend of mine was kinkier than I thought. I was super turned on by this but also kind of bothered. She shouldn’t have planned to do this tonight, at least not without talking to me about David first. I felt like she kind of used him for her own kinky satisfaction – and maybe to get Laura out of her funk. “Are you getting in here with me or not?” Beth called from the shower. In seconds I was naked again and pulling the shower curtain behind me.
The warm water felt great, and Beth’s dark curly hair straightened and fell down past her shoulders in the water. I grabbed the soap to help her clean my cum off her back. She turned around to face away from me, and I kissed her shoulders, then her neck. She leaned her head back, eyes closed, and said “do that some more.” So I kissed up her neck to her earlobe and gave it a nibble. I soaped up her belly and her awesome tits, then around to her ass and around her thighs. Beth’s body was slippery now, so I took advantage of that. I ran my hands around her tits and pulled her ass into me, sliding my dick between her ass cheeks. Beth moaned softly. “You’re just about ready to go again,” she said playfully as she felt me getting harder.
I reached around to slide my hand down her stomach to the top of her pussy, still sliding my dick up and down her ass. She parted her legs slightly as I started to rub her clit. She was already wet as my fingers pushed up into her hole. “You’re ready to go too,” I teased. I worked my fingers faster, hearing her breathing quicken. “What’s got you so hot already?” I asked her.
I didn’t expect her answer. “Laura sliding down onto David’s cock,” she said, followed by a long moan. I could feel her tensing up. She was close.
I played along. “You liked seeing Laura fuck him, huh? Getting herself off like that?” I bent my knees to slide my now-hard cock along her asshole and between her thighs, rubbing her clit with my palm while hitting her g-spot with my fingers. “MMMeeuuuhhh!” Beth let out a primal sound as she convulsed from her orgasm. I kept pumping my fingers in her hot pussy.
I egged her on. “Laura fucked him good, you liked that, didn’t you?” Beth’s moan took on a higher pitch as she continued to shake.
“Meeee…” she said through waves of pleasure, breathing hard as if she’d just run a race. “Fucking me,” she said more clearly.
Wait. What was that? I stopped fingering her snatch as she learned up against the front wall of the shower, the water running over her head. “What did you say?” I asked her quietly. “I imagined him fucking me.” She said, coming back down from her orgasm. I was kind of stunned, not sure what to say and not sure why that seemed to bother me. We shut off the water and hopped out of the shower to towel off. My head was spinning with conflict. Beth had planned the group sex and used David to fulfill her fantasy, and all along she had wanted to fuck him? I certainly enjoyed the experience too, but had my concerns about David’s emotional maturity around something like that. And now I felt this tinge of jealousy over her lust for him. I tried to put those thoughts out of my head and remind myself of how good this thing with Beth had been.
We climbed in bed and fell asleep. Beth was up early before me and got dressed. She woke me up with a soft kiss on the forehead. “I’m heading home,” she said, “lots to do today.” She explained that she had some internship applications and a term paper to work on, kissed me goodbye and walked out. I got up, stretched, threw on sweats and a hat and walked out to the kitchen in search of coffee. I realized Laura had stayed over with David when I heard them going at it in his room. From the sound of the headboard on the wall and Laura’s soft screams, there was no doubt David was giving her a good pounding. “Good for him,” I thought.
Over the next few weeks, Beth and I continued our FWB thing, usually sleeping at my place or hers on the weekends. Laura came over a couple of times, but when she wasn’t over, David usually just stayed at home watching TV or playing video games. He had been referring to Laura as his girlfriend, which had me concerned. Laura, even more so than Beth, wasn’t really down with committed, exclusive arrangements. After a while, it seemed Laura didn’t hang out with David anymore, and I could tell it bothered him. He had started to say some mildly negative things anytime someone mentioned Laura. He’d become emotionally attached to her and she wasn’t going to reciprocate. “Oh well,” I thought to myself. “He’s got to go through this at some point.”
So it was coming to the end of the term, and there was a big party at our friend Matt’s apartment building. Three or four adjacent apartments had all got together for a huge kegger. I was going to meet Beth and some other friends there, and I invited David to come along with me. We pre-gamed with a couple of beers beforehand and headed over to find the party already in full swing. David kind of hung with me for a while, which was cool. Our friend groups didn’t overlap that much, so I was introducing him to some people he didn’t know before. One of those was Brian, my friend who thought he was funnier than he really was. When I introduced David, Brian reacted with familiarity. “Oh so YOU’RE David, huh?”
“Uh, yeah,” said David.
“I heard you really put on a show,” said Brian. “I heard you all put on a show,” he followed, turning toward me.
David and I glanced at each other. “What are you talking about Brian?” I asked.
Brian knew all about our group sex night from a few weeks before. Apparently, word of it had gone around. “Damn Laura can’t keep her mouth shut,” I thought to myself.
Brian really talked it up, like it was already some kind of legend. “Everyone knows about it. Laura’s in the next apartment over,” he said. “There are a bunch of frat bros trying to get her to put on another show.”
David’s face reddened, and I could see his jealous anger. He turned on his heel and walked out the door. “Later, Brian,” I said, and I turned to follow David. We walked into the next apartment, and sure enough, there was Laura. She was sitting on the couch between two overly pumped frat boys who looked like they spent more gym time looking in the mirror than lifting weights. Laura was already heavily buzzed, and the guys were putting their hands on her while she flirted hard. There was a small crowd of guys standing behind the couch watching the spectacle, ready to supply more beers to fuel the fun. I could feel David’s emotions – a combination of jealousy, rage, and heartbreak.
Beth was there too, standing a few feet away, beer in hand, with another frat guy leaning in close to her. He put his hand on her shoulder. I felt my own tinge of jealousy.
“Let’s go, Laura,” yelled one of the crowd of guys. “We want to see a show!” Another one yelled, “we know you want it.” And finally another voice shouted “Show us your tits!” The crowd of guys roared at that. One of the guys on the couch pulled Laura’s head over to him and kissed her hard. She closed her eyes and responded with a deep kiss of her own, tonguing him to the roar of the crowd. The guy on the other side of Laura grabbed her shirt and lifted it up. She disengaged her kiss and let her shirt come off, then turned and shoved her tongue into the second guy’s mouth. The first one unhooked her bra, springing her tits free, as Laura reacted with fake surprise. The crowd of guys went crazy, and Laura stood up to shake her tits and yell “Wooooo!” She went back to kissing the first guy while she started rubbing the second guy’s cock through his jeans. I could see some of the guys standing nearby start to rub their own cocks. The guy standing with Beth had slid his hand onto her boobs, but Beth was watching Laura with a mix of lust and concern.
David’s emotions were raging. I looked at him and his face was red. Definitely he was full of jealousy and rage, but heartbreak won out. He said nothing, but turned and walked quickly out of the door. “David!” I yelled after him, but he was gone. Immediately, I was angry with Beth. I knew this kind of thing was going to happen, and it was her disregard for David in pursuit of her kink that started all of this. And I was again feeling my own degree of jealousy and rage at the sight of this muscly frat dude putting his hands on my – wait a minute, she’s not my girlfriend I guess. But I felt what I felt. I walked over to Beth.
Laura was still topless and making out with the couch guys. One of them had his pants unzipped and she was rubbing his dick through his boxers. The guy with Beth was feeling up her ass now. “Beth!” I said as I came over to her. She startled; she didn’t know I was there. “What the fuck?” I asked her.
“What the fuck, what?” Beth said back to me.
“You fucking made this happen,” I said. She looked at me confused. I could tell I hadn’t made any sense. “David was here with me. He just ran out. He’s fucking mortified.” Laura had the first guy’s pants down now and was stroking his hard cock. It was really fucking hot. The crowd was cheering them on. The second guy was fondling her tits. “And who the fuck are you?” I said to the asshole trying to get in Beth’s pants.
“Jesus.” Beth said. “Who the fuck do you think you are? And why are you mad at me?” The motherfucker who was trying to feel Beth up slipped away awkwardly. Laura was now sucking one cock and stroking the second guy through his jeans.
I stammered my answer. “Are there…a-a-any…limits with you?” Beth looked right into my eyes. She could see that I was getting emotional, but she didn’t get angry herself. She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall into one of the bedrooms, closed and locked the door behind.
She kept holding my hand and put her other hand on my chest. I was breathing hard. “Tell me what’s going on,” she said calmly. My heart was beating fast. My emotions were all over the place, and everything came out at once.
“You fucking planned that group sex all along, didn’t you?” I could hear more cheering outside the room. “Did you think about what it would do to David? You could have talked to me first. He’s not like us, he gets attached and can’t handle someone like Laura.”
“You’re right,” Beth said.
“You should have fucking talked to me about it. And Laura too. And David is a wreck.” More cheering outside.
“You’re right,” she said again.
“And me. What if I wasn’t into that?”
“You’re right,” she said, her hand still on my chest. It sounded like it was getting crazy out in the living room.
“And…” I hesitated.
Beth looked at me with her beautiful eyes and her dark curls framing her face. She said quietly, “and what?”
I couldn’t hold the last part in. “And you wanted to fuck David yourself. You said so. What the hell?” She said nothing, just looked straight at me. I hated that I felt like this. “And then this meathead frat asshole just now, feeling you up. Were you going to fuck him too?” Shit, maybe I went too far.
Beth’s facial expression changed ever so slightly. It wasn’t anger, but I couldn’t tell just what it was. “You’re jealous,” she said. She was right.
“You want me all to yourself, don’t you?” Right again. I couldn’t think of anything to say. I stepped back, but she squeezed my hand tighter and kept me from pulling away.
“You don’t like the thought of another guy touching me,” she said. I nodded. “Is that right?” Beth asked. I nodded again. “Say it,” she said. I couldn’t get the words out. “Fucking say it. Say you didn’t like me fantasizing about David.” I still couldn’t speak. My heart was pounding. “Tell me what you felt when you saw that guy’s hand on my ass.” I was breathing hard now. “When he was feeling up these tits. When his dick was getting hard at the thought of shoving it in my mouth.” I was raging inside my head. “Tell me how you felt when he was imagining fucking me hard, seeing his cum on my tits.”
I was going insane. I’d never felt like this before. It was rage, and jealousy, and pure desire, and a strange sort of affection.
I stepped forward and grabbed Beth around her waist with one arm, pulling her roughly to me. With the other hand I pulled her head toward me as I kissed her solidly, pressing my tongue deep into her mouth. She kissed back, meeting my tongue with hers. I slid my hand down to her ass and squeezed hard. She let out a little yelp and then reached around my back to pull my pelvis into hers. I moved my lips around to her neck and sucked hard, then went back to her mouth, again pressing my tongue into hers. Beth reached around to grab my dick, but I pushed her hand away. She wasn’t going to be in control this time.
I picked Beth up and walked backwards to the bed, tossing her onto her back. I fell forward onto her. I went in for another deep kiss. She wrapped her legs around my waist to pull me in closer and threw both arms around my back. I knelt upward, grabbed her hands, and fell forward again, pinning her arms above her head. I was in control this time. I kissed her even harder, she was breathing quickly now. I pushed up her t-shirt and the sports bra she had on underneath. Her tits flopped out. Pinning her hands again, I sucked on her already hard nipples and bit down lightly with my teeth. She moaned. I stood up, quickly unbuttoned her jeans, and pulled her jeans and panties down with one motion, tossing them to the floor. My hand went straight for her pussy. She was drenched. I’d never felt her this wet. She brought a hand to the back of my head, but I pulled back. Beth was going to cum, but she was going to cum how and when I decided she would.
I pumped my fingers into Beth’s hole, straight onto her g-spot. She gasped. I knelt down and latched my lips right onto her clit, swirling and sucking right away. This wasn’t going to be some long, slow session – Beth was going to cum right fucking now. She was breathing hard, “oh my god!” Beth yelled, as I felt her pussy tighten around my fingers. I pumped and rubbed with my hand. Her hips bucked and her legs shook uncontrollably as she screamed. I’d never seen her cum so hard.
I wasted no time and shed my shirt and pants. I was diamond-hard as I spit into my hand and rubbed my saliva onto the head of my cock. All at once, I shoved it straight in, balls deep. Beth squealed. With the weight of my body, I slid her further up the bed, bringing my knees up to press her legs open wider. I squeezed her nipples and thrust hard, and with each thrust Beth grunted with pleasure. She wrapped her arms around my back and dug in with her nails. I lifted up my chest, grabbed her arms, and once again pinned them over her head. I fucked her hard as her pussy gripped my cock ever tighter. She screamed with pleasure as her legs shook again, cumming hard for the second time in just a few minutes. I wasn’t going to blow my load yet, not until I was god damn good and ready.
I pulled out and moved up toward the headboard. My dick was dripping with Beth’s juices. I knelt over her and pushed straight into her mouth. She sucked hard and swirled her tongue all around it. I fucked her mouth in and out, in and out, as she moaned. I was going to make her clean off all of her own cum. I reached down with one hand and rubbed her clit. Beth wiggled her hips as I rubbed more quickly, and she moved her hand down to touch herself. I swatted her hand away and rubbed her clit how I wanted to. She moaned and bucked her hips again, arching her back with another orgasm. I wasn’t done with her yet.
Beth was breathing like she’d just run a marathon. I moved back to the foot of the bed and flipped her over. I grabbed her hips and plunged my rock hard cock straight into her gaping pussy. I fucked her doggy style while she gasped. My thumb found the outside of her asshole. I rubbed it in circles as she let out a low moan. I dripped spit down directly onto her ass, rubbing it in with my thumb. First went my index finger, pressing it in and pumping while I continued to fuck her from behind. Then went my middle finger alongside the other one. She was so tight. I stopped fucking her for a moment and looked around. There was lotion on the dresser. I grabbed it. Four or five pumps of lotion went onto her tight asshole, followed by three fingers. She was moaning louder now. I rammed my dick back into her pussy as I pumped my fingers in and out of her ass. She yelped. More and more, I worked the lotion in , lubing up her ass. It was time, and I wasn’t going to ask permission.
I pulled out, pumped some lotion onto my cock, and pressed the tip onto her asshole. Beth arched her back and breathed in through her teeth. “Yeah,” she said. I pressed harder. Her asshole started to open up, and my dick slid slowly inside. I pulled back slightly and pressed back in. “Uhh” she said. Again, slightly out, harder in. The head of my dick slipped inside her asshole as it snapped tightly around it. “Oh my god!” Beth yelled, loudly. I pushed my cock in the rest of the way. Beth moaned. I started to thrust slowly. She moaned some more. I leaned forward and pushed her head down to the mattress, making a better angle to assfuck her. I planted one foot flat on the bed, then the other, as I picked up the pace. In, out, in, out, I could feel her tight ass stretching around my fat cock. “Oh my god!” Beth yelled. “Fuck me! Fuck my ass!” And I pumped hard and fast, absolutely railing her. “Oh godddddddd!” she shouted, as her hips shook once again like a little earthquake. I’d lost track of how many times she had come, but she came how I meant for her to.
I fucked her with total abandon. All the rage and jealousy and lust and affection were fueling me. Every fiber in my body tensed up. My ballsack tightened, I could feel the intensity building quickly. “I’m going to cum in your ass,” I told her. Three more thrusts, and I exploded with ecstasy. I shouted out loud and pounded my cock into her ass hard, shooting my cum deep into her asshole. It pulsed fast, pumping out the cum, and it kept pumping for what seemed like hours. I pulled my cock out of Beth’s ass and it was followed by a string of my cum, dripping onto the bed. She collapsed onto the bed. I collapsed next to her and let out a long breath.
Beth was mine.

[M]y nerdy [F]WB and me put on a show (Part 5 of my saga with Beth)

If you haven’t kept up with the previous accounts of my time with Beth, the previous one is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xn4jwi/how_my_nerdy_fwb_and_i_reconnected_part_4_of_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).
So after the incident with Steven led to mind-blowing sex with Beth, we fell asleep. It was the most peaceful sleep I’d had in a long time, laying next to her totally happy and content. It must have been late the next morning when we woke up with bright sun already peeking around the edges of the curtains in her room. I rolled over next to Beth as she was starting to stir, and I ran my hand lightly across her stomach and just brushed her nipples. “Mmmmm…good morning,” she said as she stretched her legs and arms out. I took that as an invitation to play with her nipples more deliberately. “Good morning indeed,” I replied and kissed her on the cheek. Beth rolled onto her side to face me and put an arm across my side as I slid my hand down to cup her ass.
“That was amazing last night,” I said. Beth smiled at me and moved her hand up to run her fingers through my hair. She moved in for a deep kiss, tongue swirling into my mouth. I pulled her closer to me as I felt my cock start to stiffen. She pulled back and said, “yes it was,” as I slid down to take her nipple into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it and sucked as she moaned softly. She reached down, taking my cock in her hand as it thickened and stiffened fully, and she stroked slowly.
There was a noise in the kitchen. Dishes rattling in the sink, cupboards opening and closing loudly. Heavy footsteps. Beth stopped stroking and said, “Laura’s awake.”
I looked at Beth and said, “and…?”
“I should go check on her,” she replied. “She was really upset with Steven, obviously. That fucking pig.”
As much as I wanted Round 4, I knew Beth was right. “Yeah, go see how she’s doing,” I said. “I’ll stay here.”
Beth got up and threw on some short shorts and an oversized t-shirt, pulling her hair back into a tie. Damn, her ass looked good in those shorts, and her nipples were poking out of the shirt. She saw me staring, gave me a sly grin and a wink, then walked out into the kitchen.
I laid there for a while, waiting for Beth to come back to bed. I could hear them talking, a bit of Laura crying, and Beth’s voice saying what sounded like all the things Laura needed to hear. I couldn’t make out all the words, but I did hear my name mentioned a couple of times. Probably she was explaining how I showed Steven the door. A little while was turning into a long while, and it became clear this wasn’t going to be a short conversation between the girls. I got up and threw on my clothes, borrowed a baseball cap from Beth’s closet, and quietly walked out. The girls were sitting in the kitchen. Laura’s head was down but I could see her red puffy eyes. I exchanged a look with Beth to indicate I’d catch up later, and she slightly nodded back as I crept out the door to their apartment.
It was a couple of days before I saw Beth again before class. She told me how she and Laura talked it out about Steven, how even though Laura wasn’t totally into him, she still felt bad about how things went down. Apparently when Steven came over that night, Laura told him she wanted to take it slow, but Steven had other things in mind. He called her awful names – slut, whore, cunt – and told her to shut up and take his cock. That led to their verbal argument, and when he grabbed her and tried to push her down onto the couch, that’s when Laura slapped him. Beth did tell Laura about what happened after she ran into her room, both what Steven said to Beth and my throat-slamming him after that. She said Laura was fine now, and they both agreed that Steven wasn’t likely to come around any more.
Beth and I met up for coffee later that day. We talked about our classes, going home for winter break, and other mundane topics. But its was really nice to just have a conversation, we enjoyed each others’ company. But I had to bring up the question that had been hanging in the air. “So, I really enjoy all our time together,” I said.
Beth grinned at me. “So do I,” she said.
“And I want to keep doing that,” I continued.
She deepened her voice with a dirty look in her eyes. “So do I,” she said more suggestively.
“What are we now?” I dared to ask. That changed the mood.
So we had That Talk. I was really into her, and she was into me. We were both interested to continue our relationship and to be exclusive sexually. But Beth explained how she didn’t want to label our relationship, just to be friends who slept together. (FWB wasn’t actually a common term yet). She said she just really needed to stay focused on school and wanted to get an internship for the next summer, and she didn’t want either of us to feel the obligations of being an official “couple.” I was a bit disappointed, but in the end I agreed with her. After all, the last thing I wanted was to ruin what had become a very good thing.
So we continued on like this for a while. We got together a lot and hung out together and in groups of friends, staying over at my place or hers most weekends, fucking like rabbits and enjoying it all.
A few weeks later, Beth was coming over to my place and called me up. “Hey, David’s single, right?” David was my roommate.
“Yeah, why?” I asked.
Beth wanted Laura to get out and start seeing guys again. She hadn’t really been doing that since Steven, and she thought it would be good for Laura to hang out with us and David. He was a super nice guy, always respectful of women, kind of the anti-Steven, and Beth figured that even if nothing happened between them, he might restore Laura’s trust in men. I agreed and thought it was a great idea.
We set it up. David agreed – he’d always thought Laura was nice and didn’t have any plans. We were just going to order pizza and watch movies at our place. Laura had club soccer right before, but she said she’d come over straight from there. Beth came over around 7:30 with a couple of DVDs and the pizza, which she stuck in the oven to keep warm. She and I were sitting next to each other on the couch with David on the other end of the couch. We were talking and having a couple of beers when Laura rang the doorbell. “Hey,” Laura said when I answered. She seemed in a good mood.
“How are you?” I asked her.
“I’m good, thanks. I appreciate you guys inviting me over, it’s about time I start hanging out with my friends again.”
“Good,” I said, as David came over.
“Hey,” he said, “how was the soccer game?” They chatted about soccer and made small talk for a minute. Laura and David had met each other before but hadn’t really hung out much. They seemed to hit it off right away.
“I’m sorry to ask this, but I’m kind of sweaty from the game,” Laura said. “Do you mind if I hop in the shower real quick?” No problem, of course. Laura knew that Beth kept some toiletries and extra clothes at my place. She went off to the bathroom to clean up. “Go ahead and start the first movie without me,” she offered.
We started to watch, Beth and me nestled together on our spot with David on the other end. It felt good to have everyone in a happy mood. Beth leaned her head onto my shoulder and held my hand with hers. She ran her other hand through my hair, which she knew drives my crazy. Pretty soon, I was sporting a semi, and Beth noticed the bulge. Without saying anything she moved her hand over to my dick and started rubbing it through my jeans. I immediately got fully hard. “Dude,” I said to her, “David’s right there.”
She just whispered, “shhh….,” as she continued slowly rubbing my cock. I turned and kissed her; I could see David still staring at the movie. With my arm around her, I moved my hand to her right breast and squeezed while I rolled her nipple between my fingers. Beth had a way of making me lose track of everything around me. I was so ready to go; all I wanted was to take her to bed and fuck her senseless.
“Should we go to my room?” I whispered.
“Just stay here,” she said. Laura came out of the bathroom wearing Beth’s tight shorts and oversized t-shirt, her hair only towel-dried. With her long tan legs and perky B-cups, she looked so hot. David noticed too.
“That feels so much better,” Laura said. She caught sight of my bulge and Beth’s hand on my crotch, and she smirked a little, then plopped down on the couch next to David. “What did I miss?” Laura asked. David filled her in on the first part of the movie, while Beth turned up the heat a notch. She stroked my cock through my jeans, swirling her fingers just up under the tip. I was full-on raging hard.
Beth reached up and unbuttoned my jeans. “Beth…” I protested, but she shushed me again. She slid the zipper down and rescued my cock from my pants leg, pulling it up to stroke it through my boxers. I squeezed her nipples some more. From the angle of Beth’s back, I didn’t think Laura and David could see us, but I kissed Beth again to check on our couch-mates. They were watching the movie, talking quietly to each other, giggling to each other here and there. Beth pulled my rigid cock through the fly of my boxers, fully exposing me. She stroked slowly up and down, spending extra time on my frenulum with her thumb. Damn, she knew how to get me going.
I had never done anything overtly sexual in public before. The idea that we were just a foot away from our friends had me really turned on. Beth was stroking faster now. I told her she’d better slow down as I squeezed her nipples harder and went in for another kiss. That was when I noticed Laura and David. She was leaning on his shoulder looking over at us, and he had put his arm around her, his head turned to see as well. Beth leaned back, and my hard cock was in full view now. I panicked a little, unsure what to do. Beth just kept stroking, smiling, happy to put on this show. To my surprise, it was David who broke the silence. “Damn brother,” he said. David and I had seen each other naked before, just by happenstance being roommates and all. But he’d not seen me hard before, and I’m quite the grower.
Laura chuckled and said, “I’ve seen his cock before. Thick, isn’t it?” And to David’s puzzled look, she said, “I’ll explain later.” And I knew that David would get the full story of Laura walking in on me and Beth that first night we got together at the party.
Beth decided to take this further. She knelt down in front of me and wrapped her lips around the head of my cock. She still couldn’t get my girth fully in, but swirled her tongue around it. I could see David’s cock bulging now too, and Laura had reached hand between her thighs to rub her pussy. They were enjoying the show. Laura turned around and looked at David as if to ask him if he wanted to join in. Without saying anything, he unbuttoned his pants as Laura slid around to the front and got on her knees. In one motion, David slid his pants to his ankles as his cock sprang free. “Wow,” said Laura. David’s dick was not as thick as mine, but maybe half an inch longer. And he was rock hard. Laura took him straight into her mouth, swirling and licking and bobbing up and down straight away. I stiffened even more at the sight. David threw his head back and groaned.
Not to be outdone, Beth reached up and pulled my pants down to my ankles, giving her the same access to my cock and balls that Laura had to David’s. She cradled and squeezed my balls while going down as far as she could on my thick cock. Laura was fingering herself with one hand while stroking David’s cock with the other, still sucking like a champ, drool now dripping down David’s balls. Beth stopped sucking my dick to look over at our friends, and she immediately started fingering herself. She stood up and stripped while Laura continued to work David’s cock. I reached up and grabbed Beth’s waist to turn her around, and I sat her on my lap. My cock was sticking up between her thighs as she rubbed it along her slit. With one hand I fingered her clit, while with the other I worked her nipples. We both watched Laura and David go at it, totally absorbed into each other but knowing we were watching them now. Laura stood up and stripped as well. She sat on David’s lap facing him and he immediately took Laura’s breasts to his mouth. He sucked her nipples as she moaned. Laura lifted herself up slightly, reached down with one hand and guided David’s cock into her dripping wet pussy. “Oh my god,” David said as Laura started riding him.
The idea of us all fucking together like this was amazing to me. I could hear the slurping sound of David’s cock as it slid in and out of Laura’s wet hole. I guided Beth forward onto the floor and got behind her on my knees. I slid my cock into her warm, wet pussy and started thrusting. Beth let out a scream, which seemed to send Laura over the edge. She moaned and arched her back, continuing to ride as she came. David started to groan, indicated that he was close, so Laura pulled herself off him and knelt down to stroke his cock. He let out another “oh god” as he exploded hot streams of cum into the air and onto his chest. At the sight of this, Beth’s pussy tightened up and she convulsed, legs shaking as she came hard. That did it for me too, as I felt my orgasm building up. I pulled out of Beth’s dripping cunt an shot my load all over her back.
We all stayed there for a few moments, catching our breath, covered in pussy juice and cum. Beth finally said, “dammit.”
“What?” I asked.
“We left the pizza in the oven. It’s probably ruined.” And we all laughed.

How [M]y nerdy [F]WB and I reconnected. (Part 4 of my saga with Beth)

This is the fourth part of my story of me and Beth back in the day. If you didn’t catch the previous installation, it’s [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xmavqf/my_nerdy_fwb_her_roommate_and_the_party_part_3_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). This is a long read, but it’s worth it – read to the end.

[M]y nerdy FWB, her roommate, and the party. (Part 3 of my saga with Beth)

This is the continuing story of my time with Beth. If you didn’t read the previous account, here is [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xivyvk/my_nerdy_fwb_what_happened_afterward/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).
After getting walked in on by Laura and the guy she was with, Beth and I had a good laugh about it. We got dressed to rejoin the party. “Did you see the look on her face?” Beth said.
“Uhhh…sort of,” I joked. “I was distracted at the time.”
“And who was that guy?” she said.
“I saw him earlier. I think he’s Matt’s friend, that Engineering major.”
“Pffft…Engineers!” Beth and I said at the same time. We laughed, because every Chemist knows that Engineers only THINK they’re smart.
Beth stood by her mirror, running her hands through her hair. I just stared at her. My beer buzz was wearing off, but I was still buzzing from the amazing sex. She saw me in the mirror and turned around. I grinned. “What?” Beth said, puzzled. I said nothing, just smiled wryly. She walked unevenly over to me, clearly still feeling her beer buzz. She stood against me, looking up at me. “What’s that smile for, dork?”
I looked straight into her eyes. “What just happened?” After all, we started the evening as flirtatious friends, and now everything had changed.
Beth smiled back at me. “I don’t know what happened,” she said. “But I’m glad it did,” she said with a quick kiss. “Let’s get back out there.” We went back out into the living room, with the party still going. The music was playing. Everyone was talking and laughing. Some people were playing a drinking game. No one even noticed us walk back into the room, and Laura and that guy were nowhere in sight. I went to the kitchen to get another round of drinks. Our friend Matt was there, so I asked him about his Engineer friend, and je confirmed. “Oh yeah, that’s Steven,” Matt said. “I know him from high school. I haven’t seen him for a bit though, and he’s my ride home. Did you see where he went?”
I said, “Don’t worry about him, I think he’s doing just fine”
“Seriously?” Matt said. He knew what I was meant. “Who with?”
“Laura, I think.”
“Damn, that didn’t take long,” Matt said. “All he talked about on the way over here was getting laid. He kind of being a douche about it.” I shrugged. I told Matt I’d catch up with him later, grabbed two cups of beer from the keg and turned around to find Beth. She was across the room, doing tequila shots and playing quarters with some people I didn’t know. I stared at her once again, replaying our escapade in my mind, still amazed by it all.
I was jolted out of my post-sex trance when some guy stumbled and bumped into me, hard. Two full cups of shitty beer splashed square onto me. “Fuck.” I said, as the drunk stumbler apologized. I had beer all over me and my shirt was soaked. My friend Brian came over. “Nice, dude.” He said. “You’re gonna smell great later.” I just rolled my eyes. “I’m fucking soaked,” I said. Brian laughed. “Come on dude, you can borrow a clean shirt.” Brian lived in the next building over. We went to his apartment and got a t-shirt for me, grabbed a beer and talked for a while, then went back to the party.
Brian and I had been gone for about 45 minutes, and I wanted to find Beth. I didn’t see her in the kitchen, nor with any of our friends. She wasn’t playing quarters anymore, and she wasn’t out on the patio. I walked over to her bedroom. The door was closed. The worst kind of doubt creeped into my testosterone-soaked brain. I wondered if she was with another guy already, and right away I hated myself for thinking that. I thought we just found something special, but I don’t own her, she can do what she wants. I’m jealous already, but I don’t have any right to be, I thought she liked me, but we’re just friends so why should I care… and I said out loud, “Jesus, get a fucking grip!” I knocked lightly on her bedroom door. There was no answer and no sound from inside. I knocked again and heard nothing. I took a deep breath, unsure if I was going to regret this, and I turned the knob to push open the door.
There was Beth’s, lying on her bed under the blanket that was covering our naked bodies just a while ago. She was out cold, probably the tequila. Someone had helped put her to bed and put a glass of water on the table. I stood there, watching her breathe, with her dark curls fallen across her shoulder. I walked over to her and ran my fingers through her hair. I traced the outline of her shoulder down to her wrist. Here was this friend of mine, who earlier had connected with me in a way that seemed so natural and comfortable. I smiled, gave her a kiss on her head, and quietly backed out of her room.
When I came back out to the living room, there were just a handful of party guests remaining, and Laura was there, sitting on the couch by herself watching TV. She looked up when she saw me and smiled. “Heeeeyyy, “ she said coyly.
“Hey,” I said back. I didn’t really want to hang around much longer, but Laura said, “Come keep me company,” and patted her hand on the couch. Figuring she was about to bring up what she saw earlier, I thought I’d avoid it by jump-starting a different conversation.
“I thought you were hanging out with what’s-his-face?” I asked, to put her on the conversational defensive.
Laura replied, “you mean Steven?” And she sighed. “Yeahhh…. Well, that was the plan anyway.” I looked at her with a puzzled expression, and she smirked and held her hand up, limp at the wrist. I wasn’t picking up on the visual cue. “Whiskey dick,” she said, and then laughed as I blushed. “He couldn’t get it up, then he got pissy and left.”
“That was more than I needed to know,” I said, embarrassed. “I didn’t know you two were A Thing.”
“Well, we weren’t,” Laura said. “He’s kind of a douche.”
“That’s what I’ve heard.”
“Well, despite his douchebaggery, it was just spontaneous – I was horny, he was horny, you know. Just like you and Beth, apparently!”
And there it was, the unavoidable awkward conversation. I must have turned five shades of red. “Don’t be embarrassed,” Laura said with a grin. “It was really hot.”
No one had ever used the word “hot” in reference to me before. That gave me a shot of confidence. “Well, it just sort of happened,” I said. “Spontaneous. Horny. Just like you said.”
“It might not have been as spontaneous as you think,” Laura hinted. “Beth told me she was interested in you.”
Another shot of confidence. “Really?” I asked. “What else did she tell you?”
And Laura leaned over, a sly grin on her face. “Well…” She reached her hand over to the inside of my knee, and she slid it up my thigh. She lowered her voice, “Beth said something about a large diameter.” She slid her hand up further. “From what I saw, she was right.” And she continued up to my now bulging crotch. “Wow,” she said. “And now I can confirm!” She rubbed my dick as I went fully hard right away, and then she squeezed my balls. “I guess I chose the wrong hookup tonight,” she whispered into my ear. Laura grabbed my hand and placed it right between her legs. She interlaced her fingers in mine and together we massaged her pussy while she continued to rub my throbbing dick through my jeans. My mind was swirling. Here was another hot girl making me feel like an absolute stud. She moved her head to face me and gave me a deep kiss, working her tongue around mine, eyes closed, while we continued to rub her pussy together and she continued to stroke my dick. She let out a soft moan. A soft moan just like Beth’s, and my mind jumped. I pictured Beth and how much we connected earlier that evening. Just then, someone in the room cheered. “Woooo! Get it!” And I remembered we weren’t the only ones there. I pulled back and opened my eyes, and Laura did the same. “What is it?” Laura said. And I looked past her toward Beth’s room. She understood. We sat there for a minute without saying a word. Finally, Laura smiled at me. “Let me know if you change your mind,” she said. “I’ll be interested.” And she got up and walked into the kitchen.
I decided it was time to head home. I went back to my apartment and walked inside without turning my lights on. My head was spinning. I was still buzzing from the incredible night I’d had with Beth, but I was also turned on by my brief encounter with Laura. I kicked off my shoes, peeled off my jeans, and tossed Brian’s t-shirt on the floor. I hopped in the shower, and all I could think of was these two hot girls that had made this night incredible. I washed off my chest and laughed to myself about the stale beer, sweat, and cum that was now swirling down the drain. I toweled off and went right to my bed. I pictured Beth with me and stroked my cock. In my mind, Beth’s lips were wrapped around my shaft; I could feel her tongue swirling around the head. I circled my tip with my thumb, stroked slowly and closed my eyes. Now Beth moved up to lay on top of me. I felt the weight and warmth of her body, her tits compressed on my chest, nipples hard. She kissed my neck, and I stroked harder, sliding my feet up with my heels together. She reached back and grabbed the shaft of my cock, sliding it into her wet hole, and I stroked faster. She leaned back and rode me, tits bouncing as she brought herself closer to climax. I bit my lip and used both hands now, breathing faster. In my mind, Beth was grinding on me, moaning with pleasure. She threw her head back and started to shake as she came hard. I squeezed and stroked and held my breath as I blew my load all over my chest, pumping it out in rapid succession, just as we’d done together only hours before. I opened my eyes, and the ghost of Beth disappeared.
That’s when I knew how much I wanted her.