Me and my cousin had been close since we were kids. We would hang out for hours after school, we would go to the movies, stay up all night talking, and even once she showed me what it was like to kiss. It was childish stuff but I had a major crush on her.
I was disgusted in myself that I would masturbate over pictures of her and that time I stole a pair of her panties and came on them. Oh what I would do to see her curvatures body perched on my hard cock. I had many fantasies of fucking my cousin but that’s all they were, fantasies. Until that faithful night.
I was 18 and sat at home alone playing xbox when I heard a knock at the door, I looked through the peeper to see Holly’s beautiful face soaked with tears. I opened the door and she slumped into my arms I guided her into the living room and sat her down next to me. Through a shaking voice she told me about how she’d argued with her parents about something so stupid it’s not worth going into detail about. We sat there for a couple of more minutes after she took her coat off to reveal a tight top with her petit nipples poking through.