My Sophisticated Indian Mom and My Best friend [M] 21 [F] 43 Part 2

So since he moved, my mom has totally turned into his wife. She cleans for him, cooks for him. She even washes his dirty underwear by her hand. He demands them to be hand washed becuase they are costly.

In the beginning he used to sleep in my room, slowly he started making excuses saying I’m gonna give you some space and sleep on the couch. You prepare for the exams.
But I would find him a lot of times getting up in mother’s room.

He goes to gym and usually comes back sweaty and he started asking my mom to give him bath one day becuase he had hurt his hand, which I thought was made up. She obliged without questioning anything. I was dumbstruck watching that. From asking to help him bathe now he demands everyday. She takes an hour or so cleansing him daily. And everytime she gets out she’s always totally wet from the water . He sure makes uses of privacy.

Update 2 My sophisticated Indian mom and my best friend [F] [M] 42 21

So since he moved, my mom has totally turned into his wife. She cleans for him, cooks for him. She even washes his dirty underwear by her hand. He demands them to be hand washed becuase they are costly.

In the beginning he used to sleep in my room, slowly he started making excuses saying I’m gonna give you some space and sleep on the couch. You prepare for the exams.
But I would find him a lot of times getting up in mother’s room.

He goes to gym and usually comes back sweaty and he started asking my mom to give him bath one day becuase he had hurt his hand, which I thought was made up. She obliged without questioning anything. I was dumbstruck watching that. From asking to help him bathe now he demands everyday. She takes an hour or so cleansing him daily. And everytime she gets out she’s always totally wet from the water . He sure makes uses of privacy.

My Sophisticated Indian Mom and My Best Friend [M] 21[F] 43 Part 1

Before I get started please keep an open mind and if you don’t like my perspective or POV please ignore this.

My mom was 17 when she got married to my 29 year old dad. My dad came from a well off family , had a stable job(government jobs are valued high in India) also my mom had 4 sisters(which is seen as a burden in India by fathers) . So my grandfather thought it would better to get my mom married off soon, and made my mom quit studies in the middle of her education(she was very good at studies,she was a topper in her district)

Since my mom was good looking, my dad’s family agreed to get her married to my dad. My mom’s family wasn’t financially stable so her in laws never really respected her much, always used to take digs at her on how she’s lucky to marry rich.
It obviously must have hurt her a lot, a woman who wanted to study higher become a teacher someday and all of that was suddenly snatched away from her and was being disrespected by her in laws on a daily basis. My dad was working in army and he was stationed at a remote place so he had left my mom at her in laws place.