i got fingered on a bar-counter from two co-workers when i was 19yrs old [FM]

when i was 19 years old i worked at a bar on a beach for a summer season. i just finished my school and needed some money for traveling. my cousin who was about 7yrs older was a member of the crew that worked there almost every summer but since she was in a relationship she decided to skip a season. i should have realized then already what this decision might tell me about work and the crew but i didn’t think much of it lol. my cousin talked to the boss and he gave me a chance as her replacement.

i worked there for about 5 months and it was the craziest time. so many things happened there that fit in this channel so i am trying to tell you some of the best nights i had there – beginning with the story where i came on a bar-counter because 2 co-workers fingered me.