[F29] I forgot my father was coming to visit and he walked in on me masturbating. [FM]

A month ago my father reached out to ask if he could spend the night on Saturday to fly out of our bigger airport early on Sunday morning. I had told him my boyfriend would be leaving out of town for work but I’d love to see him.

I was supposed to follow up and make dinner plans and go through details but my dad is as bad as planning as I am and neither of us touched base. A lot happened over the next few weeks and the last couple days have been extra insane – to be fair to myself.

I had worked super late on Friday and stayed at a motel compliments of my job, then rushed back home to see my boyfriend before he left town.

I was feeling terrible for an injury that I had accidentally given him yesterday morning that meant he couldn’t have sex for a few weeks (4-6 weeks according to both his actual doctor and all the doctors on Reddit). I posted about that on tifu already if you want to see the horrible details of what I did and why I felt like a serial killer with guilt.

[F29] After work last night it was so late they put us all up at a motel. I wanted to pretend my coworkers were watching me masturbate…but that lead to them actually watching me masturbate [FM]

We went way too late at work last night, wrapping at 10pm. Luckily on a film set when you wrap late and you’re far from the city (aka the swamp) they offer hotel rooms. Unluckily we were so far away from civilization a crappy motel was the closest option.

I rolled into the motel lot along with a lot of the crew and I checked into my room on the second level. Which was also the top level. So picture that for a motel. The room was sparse. A bed. Table. Small tv. A lot of the crew started drinking and hanging outside the motel. I pulled the blinds closed and got undressed. I showered and laid in bed watching TV.

There were a group of coworkers standing on the walkway outside my window being very loud as they got drunker. I turned the volume on my tv up and tried to settle in.

I started thinking about almost getting caught the other day in the changing tent by my coworker. What he could have done to me if he had found me naked and alone.

[F29] I was literally a foot away from being caught butt naked and masturbating at work…[FM]

I made this Reddit to share my private thoughts, feelings and adventures so please don’t judge too harshly as I figure some things out and try new experiences…

A little about me. I’m the picture of professional at work. I don’t joke around, I do my job because I love it and I’m good at it. I focus on the goals and do the work. But that creates a lot of stress in a stressful environment (the film industry)

After last night, which was a particularly long, stressful day on set (I got yelled at a lot, it was cold, we were in a swamp filming and I was covered in mud) I desperately needed to blow off steam. Since my boyfriend was already at home I wouldn’t be able to do it when I got back (boyfriend can be needy lol). So I decided to do something adventurous. When we called wrap on our 16 hour shoot date I said good night to everyone on the walkie, turned it off and went to the extras tent to wait.