So we’ve had family over for the past two weeks and I’ve needed a release, if you catch my drift. So there’s always somebody in a room at all time, some are watching tv, reading, and others just lying down. Because so many people came Ive had to share a room with my parents. I’ve slept on the floor and for a few days even on their bed.
During these times I’ve been on phone browsing a bit before going to sleep. I’ve always just browsed Reddit, twitter, etc but one day I was hornier than usual so I just straight up went to look at porn. I was lying on my side ways so I they could see and I’ve just kept going. The thrill of it got me turned me on even more. What if they see, or hear (my volume was accidentally on one time), or get up. I was even between them one day and watched away.
During my escapade I even started masturbating on the same bed they were on, slowly as to not disturb or wake them. I didnt finish obviously but it was definitely the best thrill I’ve had when masturbating. I’ve even taken this further and browse nsfw post on Reddit in the living room with people around.