Prom Night

It was the college prom night. For those who don’t know what a prom night is, it’s basically a night where guys have to get themselves a date in order to go to a dance party. No date, means no entry.

It’s a huge tradition in West!

I was the youngest member of my college cultural team. And our team was assigned this event with a great budget. And since this was new for everyone around, they were excited to prepare for it.

My senior, Myrah, asked me to take care of the Music system and decorations and marketing about the event happening.

I immediately started off on my part, got the flyers and posters made for the prom and started handing them out, meanwhile all the decorative things were ordered and the DJ was also selected.

Myrah was supervising my each and every action. I went on personally to talk to many students around the college to tell them about the event in order to make sure, that minimum half of the college is going in.