The young guy at work. [FM]

I’ve been going through some marriage counseling over the past year or so. My wife has been encouraged to “explore her sexuality more”. She seems to follow every thing our marriage counselor says. It’s been frustrating and difficult to deal with. She’s also encouraged me to be “open” with my feelings. Since I can’t talk to my friends about this, I’m trying to talk about it here.

Anyway, a few months ago the first “event” happened. My wife let me know there was a young guy at work that was in her office a lot. He would come in for random things. She says he would look down her top a lot. It actually made me a little upset and frustrated. The marriage counselor also told my wife to be open and honest with her feelings and to communicate them to me. So, she tells me everything. Which, I admit, has been difficult to deal with.

Fast forward about a week and her team goes out for after work drinks. The young guy apparently sat beside her the whole night. By the end of the night, he had a name. “Eric.” Again, she’s out having fun while I was at home. Frustrating.