[FF] masturbating with my housemate at uni

Someone has been making me horny in the last day or 2 so I feel like sharing another story. I remember in chunks but I’ll try to put it together into a story. We’ll see how it goes.

I was living with 3 other girls. I’d been out with 1 of them and we were just hanging out after. She was my closest friend.

The conversation got onto nudism and naturism. We’d watched some channel 4 in the weeks before I think. We were talking about how being naked can sometimes be non sexual, which is odd because normally it’s such a sexual situation. I was a virgin at this point, so I was talking about the feeling more than whether nudity always leads to sex. Essentially we were saying that being on a nude beach would feel sexy to us, but maybe it actually quickly feels more like changing rooms. We had seen each other partially nude without it feeling sexy etc… Sorry the conversation was a bit dull. We were in a highly mood so it was more funny at the time. I’ll move on.

[FF]irst time with another woman (properly) aged 36

The last 2 stories didn’t go down too well and this is less interesting (I think) but I thought I’d share as people ask.

I’ll start with a quick description of me. I am petite – short, average build, C cups. I have a little extra weight, mostly on my bum and thighs. I’m brunette and have brown eyes.

My friend, let’s call her Jess, is very attractive. Also brunette but longer and glossier. She has blue eyes and a sweet smile. She’s a few inches taller than me with bigger boobs and bum.

I’d known her a few years and we were very close. I had told her that my husband and I had been getting more experimental sexually. It wasn’t anything crazy but we had always been pretty much exclusively hand jobs and missionary. I told her that I had confessed to him that I was attracted to women and he was really surprised but after a few times increasingly turned on by it and supportive of it. I set up a profile on a dating app with Jess.

The [F]irst time I saw a cock, followed by [M]utual masturbation and a cum shot. Part 2

This is part 2. The first part has the same name. Look in my profile if you can’t find it. O don’t know how to link it sorry!

Again please comment and message me. Tell me what you don’t like, what o could do better, how o should make it shorter. Tell me about your experiences!

So he sat leaning against the wall at the foot of his bed, naked by this time. I was topless at the head of the bed with my hand down my trousers. Very classy!

I watched him stroke and as he told me how sexy I was I talked about how hot is hard cock was and how it made me feel. I showed him my juices on my fingers, which he loved.

As we played together I got into a more inhibited mental space. I was much more in the moment. He asked where I he should cum – boobs or face. I said face, because I was curious and turned on.

He walked over to my and I looked up. I could see his mouth widen and his eyes change. “I’m cumming” he murmured and thick lines of cum shot across my face and down onto the top of my chest.

The [F]irst time I saw a cock, followed by [M]utual masturbation and a cum shot. Part 1

I wrote about a fairly recent experience a few days ago. It didn’t get much attention but I enjoyed reading a few messages and comments. Even if not many people enjoy it, I quite like thinking about some experiences and sharing them. Let me know what you like and don’t like. Feel free to ask questions or share similar stories.

This happened during my first year of university here in England. I came from a conservative background. My group of friends at school sometimes talked about boys but we didn’t do anything and I viewed sex as something dirty and bad.

I was petite – short, thin, modest but pert boobs. I’m brunette and have brown eyes.

At university, I was in a large halls of residence. Suddenly surrounded by loads of young people all with a new found freedom. There was much more sexuality around – people were overt with the way they talked about it and dressed. The noises also started draping through the walls as the first term progressed.

Surrounded by this sexuality, it began to be much more at the front of my mind and I developed a pattern of masturbating fairly regularly.

[F] Teasing a married colleague [M]

I’ve enjoyed reading some of your experiences so I thought I’d share 1 of mine. It’s not as wild as many and I have wilder experiences but I wanted to share.

This happened just over a year ago.

I’m a married British woman in my late 30s. We swing a little and my husband likes to encourage my naughty side.

I was on a business trip with a male co-worker who I’ve known a while and get on well with. We were away for the best part of 2 weeks. We got into the pattern of going to the pool after work and before dinner.

My colleague (let’s call him James) wore the kind of swim shorts that men never really wear in England. They weren’t Speedos, but they were like that, only shorts. James was quite self conscious about them and gave me this long explanation about why he was wearing them the first time we were in the pool at the same time. Basically, he lost his main pair and could only find these. They were from a holiday.