Someone has been making me horny in the last day or 2 so I feel like sharing another story. I remember in chunks but I’ll try to put it together into a story. We’ll see how it goes.
I was living with 3 other girls. I’d been out with 1 of them and we were just hanging out after. She was my closest friend.
The conversation got onto nudism and naturism. We’d watched some channel 4 in the weeks before I think. We were talking about how being naked can sometimes be non sexual, which is odd because normally it’s such a sexual situation. I was a virgin at this point, so I was talking about the feeling more than whether nudity always leads to sex. Essentially we were saying that being on a nude beach would feel sexy to us, but maybe it actually quickly feels more like changing rooms. We had seen each other partially nude without it feeling sexy etc… Sorry the conversation was a bit dull. We were in a highly mood so it was more funny at the time. I’ll move on.