I am glad I asked you out [FM]

English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes.

Some people just ooze some kind of positive energy. They walk lightly, as if they were dancing through life. You want to be around them more, you want to know them better.

You are one of those people. I noticed you immediately. You commented on my The Office T-shirt right away. However, you were also busy with some of your supervisor duties.

You are quite young but already manage people – it’s so hot for me.

We interact few times, but it’s nothing extraordinary. I can’t quite catch if you are being flirty or friendly. I guess you are supposed to be nice to everyone. I wish I could read your mind and not be lost in guessing.
I already imagined you naked, to be honest.

Ah, fuck it. Needed just two fucking weeks to say it.

I make up some reason to talk to you again.
You are pleasant but a bit busy as always.

Fuck. Just say it. The world won’t crumble into itself. Just fucking say it.