The Ugly Duckling(19F) loses her virginity to the first guy that hits on her. [MF]

This story took place about 7 years ago when I was a freshman in University. And I’m going to try to explain how I lost my virginity in such a stupid (a bit slutty) way, so if you wanna skip the boring origin story of a pretty big slut, skip to ***

Let me start off by saying, I was a LATE bloomer. I was dorky throughout elementary and middle school, with big glasses, lob-sided smile and curly hair that I had no clue how to control (my single father raising me assured that it would be well into high school before I learned to manage my frizz. Side note to this side note: my hairdresser Vanessa was the first to really teach me a lot of techniques, which later evolved into make-up youtube tutorials. These days, I’d recommend Hair Romance and IndiaBatson if you need help with curls) I’m confident enough now to say I’m good-looking, I get a lot of looks and a lot of tinder matches. But let me stress that my life was a real Ugly Duckling story.