Midnight On The Fire Escape [mf]

Eden was a little chilled on this winter’s night. The petite brunette was wearing skimpy lingerie under her coat in hopes that her lover would want a midnight booty call after her shift at the airport. But when she saw him with another woman, she went to find other action in another stranger’s arms. She decided to try her luck at an after-hours club located in a row of three story brownstones with closed businesses on the first floor. She scurried around the dirty snow and down slushy walk, around the corner to the alley behind a closed pool hall where she climbed the back stairs to the second floor. She knocked on the door of club Infinity, an illegal after-hours club she’d been in twice before and after being let in, she moved from room to room with a beer in her hand looking at the groups of rough looking men playing pool, drinking beer and snorting coke from their fists. Weary women lounged on the worn couches, legs spread as an open invitation to partake upon their skanky goodies.

My Sweet Ass Horny Landlady [Fm][oral]

When my co-worker, Annabelle, invited me to join her and her friend on a pub crawl, I jumped at the opportunity. New in this dusty little town, on a temporary tech job at a small college, I was renting a room in a house run by a somewhat trashy landlady, Sheila Sinclair. She has frosted blonde hair and bubble gum pink lipstick nails, but she also has a tight tanned body, sparkling blue eyes, toned legs and big peach tits. Still, her flirting made me hide in my room most of the time so a night out bar hopping with a crowd of people my age was just what I needed.

I showed up at the bar where Annabelle spotted me across the crowded college bar and beckoned me over. I was introduced to Courtney, a a curvy blonde who drank sodas and Brianna, a geeky girl with a page boy haircut and heavy black rimmed glasses, Vivian, a slender woman with long red hair and Bonnie with nice boobs on display as well as big beautiful pale blue eyes. They were all definitely fuckable. Maybe my three month dry streak will end tonight.

In The Laundry Rm. [FM][inc][voy][mast]

It was a quiet Sunday morning when my horny landlady, Mrs. Sinclair left for her weekly trip to Thunder Bird casino fifty miles away. If she stays true to her schedule, she won’t be home until dinner time. With her gone, I feel free to use the house, hang out by the pool and do some laundry in peace. Shasta, her twenty one year old daughter was in her room as usual. Connor, her nineteen year old son was gaming in the family room. They stuck to themselves while I hung out by the pool drinking a beer and doing laundry.