[M] Such a great experience in college

I was 21, and was hanging out with a TA in the English Dept. She was 28 or 29. Super awesome lady, and it was very satisfying. One night, she wants to introduce me to her girlfriend from undergrad. I think she is a bit embarrassed that I was a kid, but whatever. I end up going over to her apartment. She tells me her GF hasn’t arrived yet.

We start fucking. lots of chemistry. And then GF walks in. She was at the apartment the whole time. She wants to join but honestly the fix was in……this was planned. If it’s not a threesome, frankly, I’d probably be a bit pissed.

Short story…..lots of fucking, and this was in the early 90s…..i hadn’t seen much porn. I certainly hadn’t seen anyone squirt. This girl squirted…a lot. I had no idea if she was peeing or what. Totally new to me.

It was an amazing night and I had several experience that evening that were new to me. First of three threesomes, and while I know some folks have had rough experiences, all of mine were really good. This was the only one that was planned…..i just wasn’t involved in the planning.