[Fantasy] [F+M] [nc] [orc]

*This story is long, and has a long intro. I’ll label it Ch 1 and put the start of Ch 2 when the sexy stuff starts so you can skip the intro if you would like. Also, the end of the story will be in the comments, as I am over the character max.*

**Chapter 1**

The red sun was just rising over the snow capped mountains so far in the distance they appeared miniscule. The range was miles and miles away across the skull and bone-riddled valley below the cliff where I sat atop my horse. I had seen smoke from fires the night before. It was like the orcs were taunting us.

I hadn’t slept. This would be my first battle against the orcs, but not my first time in war. It is tradition for the high elf royal children to lead the troops to battle, and throughout my 200 years there had been many battles to fight. On many different fronts. My father had always sent my brothers to the front line with the orcs, kept me in the smaller skirmishes against nymphs or lizard folk. Orcish battle was no place for a elven princess, my father said. I never asked him to elaborate. I was not sure I wanted to know.