Sexual Bribery [MF]

This summer for one of my college courses we got paired into groups of 3. I had trouble contacting my two group mates and after a few days of class realized one of the students dropped the course. So I was stuck with Anna as my only group member.

It’s an engineering class and we had to create something so meeting up was critical as it would be hard to make something together virtually. Anna hardly ever answered texts or messages and always waited until the last minute. When we finally met up, a couple days before the first assignment was due I explained to her that I will contact my professor if she keeps up with this bullshit. I would gladly do the entire project on my own if it meant not having to wait around for her constantly.

Anna is about 5 feet tall with pretty green eyes and a bright smile, very fit from being an athlete her whole life. I’m in a relationship and found out Anna was too as I got to know her. I decided to give Anna one last chance and told her the work she needed to do to make up. Anna contacted me a few days later after ignoring my calls and said she did not do the work. I told her I had no choice but to email my professor.