[FM] The time my husband proposed an open relationship…so I decided to beat him to the punch

Hi all! This is an experience of mine from a little while ago. I had fun putting it all down in writing, so I really hope you like it. Please be gentle! (at least at first ;) )

My name is Tyler [F], and I root for the tigers. Not “Tigers,” not a sports team, like literal tigers. When you hear on the news that a tiger escaped from a zoo and zookeepers are working to try and catch it, most people hope the zookeepers can safely tranquilize it before it gets too far. But not me. I don’t want to see anyone hurt, but I can’t help wanting the tiger to make it out, like some weird four-legged Andy Dufresne. The tiger doesn’t really belong in the zoo, and she never asked to be in the zoo, so if she can find a way out, I say more power to her.