Redemption spelled G-O-D [Cheating] [MF]

Several years ago I bartended at a college club. It was nothing special but it was always a good time and I made decent enough money to survive while I was in school. The best part about it was the girls, though. Hot girls, slutty girls, co-workers, randos…it was a fun time.

This story in particular is about one girl named Jessica (22F). We started working together in 2015 and her and I are from the same small town so we bonded pretty quick. She had a bf back home that she had recently broken up with so I decided to shoot my shot and invite her on a date. We went to a traveling carnival and had a blast. This was October so it was a bit chilly but not too bad for where we live. We had a fun time, bit of flirting but mainly just enjoying each other’s company. We rode a ferris wheel and I put my arm around her…my shy ass was very proud of this move. As the night came to a close I drove her home and dropped her off without incident. I walked back down to my car and had an internal struggle. I was upset I didn’t make a move so I walk back up her apartment stairs and knock on the door. I tell her “I needed to do something” and go in for a kiss…she turns her face so I kiss her cheek lol. Very demoralizing but hey at least I went for it. She was a doll about it, though. I realize that she was just being nice and wanted to be friends…I think no problem, I can do that.

“Punish me for giving you blue balls” [MF]

I recently decided to drive several hours to see an old high school friend who I had reconnected with. We knew each other in high school but we weren’t very close. I had always thought of her as a pretty and fun girl but we went to colleges in different states and never really kept in touch. I moved back home after college to get my life in order and she moved to a nearby city. Once again, never really thought of her but followed her on Instagram and generally kept up with what she was doing. One day-for whatever reason- I commented on one of her Instagram posts. We took the conversation and to text and really hit it off. I quickly recall how funny and interesting of a person she is.