[MF] Spring break and being walked in on by her dad.

Let me set the stage. 19, freshman year of college, spring break, young and wild with a closet freak of a new girlfriend. We were at her house but had told her parents that we were at the gym or some other pathetic excuse.

She was butt naked on her bedroom floor with her ass up on a pillow and her back arched while my fingers did their thing. I was in my bright pink boxers excited to get some tail after she hit her O we had been building up to. That sweaty and excited kind of passion you only get when you have to constantly sneak around to get naked.

LITERALLY as soon as she had cum did I hear a car door slam in the driveway.

My heart immediately dropped into my stomach. She got the biggest eyes I have ever seen on a blonde outside of dragon ball Z. As I jumped into my clothes and pulled my shirt over my head I heard the front door swing open.

Before I had my shirt on all the way on she had:
1)Grabbed all of her clothes
2)Ran across the living room
3) Locked herself in the bathroom by the kitchen

[MF] The time I shot myself in the eye

It was in the middle of a whirlwind summer romance. You know the kind-Just food and sex. We were crazy about each other and at 20 we didn’t have nearly enough self control.

Fast forward to the day of….the incident.

We were driving back from school (Community college-She was working on getting into the nursing program and at the time I was working on trying to sort my life out) and she gave me her non verbal sign (Unbuttoning the top button of her jeans and spreading her legs oh so slightly) that she was itching for a romp. We pull over (and jump into my backseat (Blacked out windows were my first investment in that car) and start going at it. (We went to a designated remote hideout. No chance of being interrupted or any surprises)

Now, to fully understand the situation I need to explain a personal habit we had developed with each other. I shall attempt to do this with as much taste and class as possible so bear with me. After my lady had climaxed and I was nearing my “Point of no return” I would squeeze her hips firmly twice so she could position herself to ingest my testosterone and lust juice.