My third time [F18/M18] (OC)

After 3 days of not doing anything in general after almost being caught I decided to make something happened. Since my parents wouldn’t be home I called my bf John (not his real name) over to just hang out. I had done it before we were a thing and it just consisted of us playing Mario kart or something simple. When he got there he was actually nicely dressed, like he cared cared about his appearance around me for once. It was still casual but his glasses were clean, his hair combed and he had jeans on.

When we got to the loving room it became clear how awkward the situation was, the last last we had done something alone we almost got caught butt naked. So we were a little hesitant at first and ended up just playing switch sports, and after losing 5-0 at tennis I gave up and went to get a snack. When I came back he was sitting on the couch with his hands clutched thinking.

My second time [F18/M18] (oc)

(You guys seemed to like my last one so I thought I’d share just a bit more about stuff I’ve done.)

I couldn’t sleep the night we had sex, I was just too happy about what we did. It was short and brief but my body told me I wanted more, so I began to think carefully about my next move (not really) I texted him and he surprisingly responded almost immediately, he couldn’t sleep either and so we made plans to do it again. Properly.

The next day I left my house and made a straight beeline towards his house, he insisted his place since his parents wouldn’t be there and so I went following along the sidewalk practically flying, when I got there he opened the door before I even knocked. All subtlety and shyness 9f the might before was gone.

He pulled me inside quickly before shutting the door, he pulled me close and shoved his tongue into my mouth before parting we both were on the same page and so we went up stairs to his bed room. He went in right behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He moved his hand under my shirt before slowly lifting it over my head leaving my chest exposed. Next were my pants which he removed slowly and surely.

My first time [F18/M18] (oc)

(This is fairly recent in memory and I’m a little proud of it so thought I’d share, fake name and stuff, this is my first story though so it might suck bit of a warning)

It was around 8pm on the 4th of July me and my (now) boyfriend John were out at the park to watch the fireworks, we’ve been to that park so many times that we even found a little hidey hole area on the woody side of the lake no one goes to. Its a small area by the shore line, we took some snacks and decided we’d watch the show from there.

While waiting we started discussing future hang out plans and where we should go next time, what we should do, etc. Around 5 minutes later the people on the other side those who brought fireworks started lighting theirs up in droves and I was caught up in all the pretty lights and sounds that I apparently didn’t hear what he said, next thing I know when I turn back around to ask what he said he kissed me.