[mff] I just had a threesome with my wife and ex-wife.

First off…., my wife (u/H8waxnbutdoit) is fucking amazing. I love our life. A few months ago we are having mimosas in the tub and we started discussing fantasies. I tell my wife (Emma) I’d love to have you blow me along with (Judy), my ex wife. Emma thinks about this for a few seconds and says “I can see where that would be hot”. Fucking love her.

Now Judy recently got out of a relationship and Emma reached out. They plan an evening get together. I made a charcuterie board and drinks were had, Emma and Judy had some me eatables and we played defunding games.

Around 1am we decided we were done. Judy and Emma had already arranged that Judy wasn’t driving and was going to stay the night. Emma went into over drive cleaning in preparation for our guest.

There was some mild debate about the sleeping order as we got ready for bed. ( we were all going to sleep in our bed) Who was going to sleep in middle. Finally, it was decided I would be in the middle. Emma gets into bed. She sleeps nude and does what comes natural. I crawl into bed nude as well. My Ex-wife Judy uses the restroom and comes to bed with her bra and panties on,