[MT] A little bit of reckless, but a lot of hot.

I had seen her a couple of times before.

The first time was pretty awkward for me. Pretty inexperienced in the ways around a transwoman, I just jumped in. Little bit of this, little bit of that. It was an enjoyable experience, but my shyness meant it was a quick experience.

The second time was better. I was a little more at ease, a little more sure of myself. The flow of it all was much better as there was less “figuring” it out. Our bodies flowed together and there was no hesitation or awkwardness from me.

This is the story of the third time. I was at her place, and I brought a bottle of some red wine. She cooked, and fed me until I was absolutely stuffed. Had to beg her to stop feeding me. The night progressed as we sipped on the wine, having a great conversation about life and all the things that go along with that. But wine goes pretty quick if you are not paying attention. We polished off one bottle before we knew it, and had opened another she had sitting around. The conversation was enthralling to me. She felt like a life guru, teaching me how to laugh and love and live life like I had never done it before.