The Story of [M]y [F]irst Internet Hookup

So this is the story of the sluttiest thing I’ve ever done.

I was 22 at the time. I was just out of a 5 year relationship with my first and only high school girlfriend, and i was truly single for the first time since becoming an adult. Our breakup was less than amicable, seeing as how we were both trying to end our first relationship and had no real idea how to go about it. Needless to say, it was a rough patch, and without going too much into detail, suffice to say I was in the mood for some exploration. This led me to OkCupid. And OkCupid led me to, for the purposes of anonymity, Toni.

Toni was an older woman. Well, at least it seemed that way to me at the time. As a 22 year old man, 9 years seemed like a huge gap. However, this just added to her allure. I had never been with someone who wasn’t my own age, and she seemed so confident and sure of herself. Little did i know that this night would be the start of a long and lustful fondness for older women. Toni was my first match on OkCupid, and she sent me my first message. Her agenda was summed up very succinctly in 4 words:

The Story of [M]y [F]irst Internet Hookup

So this is the story of the sluttiest thing I’ve ever done.

I was 22 at the time. I was just out of a 5 year relationship with my first and only high school girlfriend, and i was truly single for the first time since becoming an adult. Our breakup was less than amicable, seeing as how we were both trying to end our first relationship and had no real idea how to go about it. Needless to say, it was a rough patch, and without going too much into detail, suffice to say I was in the mood for some exploration. This led me to OkCupid. And OkCupid led me to, for the purposes of anonymity, Toni.

Toni was an older woman. Well, at least it seemed that way to me at the time. As a 22 year old man, 9 years seemed like a huge gap. However, this just added to her allure. I had never been with someone who wasn’t my own age, and she seemed so confident and sure of herself. Little did i know that this night would be the start of a long and lustful fondness for older women. Toni was my first match on OkCupid, and she sent me my first message. Her agenda was summed up very succinctly in 4 words: