Lust at First Fight: an Erotic Fantasy Tale [MF] [20s] [public] [blowjob] [swallowing] [vanilla] [creampie] [impreg/pregnancy] [romance]

*If you would like some visuals with this story, there are pictures posted [here](–they do not exactly follow the action here but if you like these characters, you might appreciate one take on what they look like. Neither post is necessary to enjoy the other.*

After the bar fight was resolved, things got a lot quieter in the inn’s common room. A pack of mercenaries, fresh off a trade caravan, had rolled in and promptly started spending the coin they’d earned, and antagonizing the locals into the bargain.

Fortunately for those locals, there were a couple of more principled souls willing to stand up for their hosts. Bran Brightwing, though a long way from home and anyone looking over his shoulder, was ready to stand up to anyone trying to take advantage of those around them. The dark-haired half-elf was promptly joined by a ginger human woman who seemed to be spoiling for a good fight, and showed herself ready to meet the challenge once the fists (and chairs, and bottles, and glasses) started flying. Bran considered himself a skilled fighter, but the woman fought like she was crazed, laughing gleefuly, shoving tables over, swinging chairs at the mercenaries, and vaulting back and forth over the bar as needed. Bran held his own, but wasn’t nearly so mobile. The woman acted like she had been born in a bar fight.

Un-Bear-able Loneliness [Str8], [fantasy], [oral], [creampie], [reluc], possible [preg], [inanimate object] (kind of?)

The day had started badly and was only getting worse. Annie felt like she was about to have a breakdown. The previous night had ended late when a relationship talk with her boyfriend Rich had ended in a breakup—over the phone, no less—then she couldn’t get to sleep anyway. Her morning email had been an unpleasant surprise when the person who’d commissioned her for a portrait of his fursona had left a message that amounted to a string of insults. Her car had gotten a flat tire on the way in to work, making her late (and dirty). And naturally every customer who came through her checkout line was pissed off about something.

It was enough to make a girl wish she drank. Annie didn’t though, so she settled for watching the clock. Her relief was late, but she showed up at least. Hauling her till out of the register, Annie carried it to the office and took a few extra minutes counting. She spent most of the time thinking about ways to treat herself after this punishing day. Unfortunately, she was coming up blank. It took her a couple of tries to get her numbers right, but she finally totalled up all the cash and checks and made her drop.

Honest Work [MF],[cheating],[preg]

It’s sure to bring an absolute shitstorm into my life. Yours too, probably. But if I had it to do over again, I don’t think I’d even hesitate. And I don’t think you would, either.

For as long as I’ve known you, you haven’t had a serious relationship. Not that you don’t want one. But the right guy never came along, I guess. And me… Well, let’s just say my marriage didn’t turn out to be the happily-ever-after I hoped for. It’s not awful, but definitely not everything I hoped for. To make it simple, a chronic dead bedroom made it all too easy for me to let things take this course. And to top it all off, we both wanted children. We didn’t talk about it much, but there was enough to know. And every so often an ambiguous comment and a look hinted that maybe we were thinking a little more than we said. Especially as you hit thirty. It didn’t make much of an outward difference, at least that I could see, but I could tell it was on your mind.