You know it’s our future

Papi….we both know this is fate. Set before we took these forms…

Why doubt it and fear it. We shouldn’t fear our connection and our destiny. It is otherworldly and out of our hands. We have to go with the flow of the universe now. Me and you need to be one. Light that candle and meet me.
I’m going to fill the bathtub and light my candle. Get myself ready. I want to take you to another plane tonight okay? You deserve an escape and a break. So buckle up and let’s go.

You may think I’m only about the sex but I’m not. I crave and desire intimacy with sex. I need to know you are connected to me during it all. Knowing you are there with me…with mutual trust and bonding….baby we are one. We are equally all about the soul sex.


You know I want you.
You know I know you know.
You know I know…you know I know.

I have a few drinks going.
I can imagine this is terrifying.
But im always going to be here for you.
I want this.
I want to stay and be with you forever.
Yeah its crazy.
I didn’t want to realize I fucking love you.
It’s not on my schedule.

I need you.
I need you in every way.
Are you there?
Come and take a bite of peaches baby.
Yeah…that creamed peach ?

The Zamboni Man [mf] [queer] [bi] [analingus] [romance]

Film: male and female both bi. Let’s call this zamboni driver ‘Rory’ and he is about to get  his first bonus of 2021. He works part time as an artist and the other half is his secret peace. His zamboni. His ice and rink. Peace. Able to reflect on the day and life. He had a friend from a peer group. Both of them were always drawn to the other. Something invisible pulling them closer. They had been talking more and more and realizing their worlds have been interconnected for some time. She never knew how to skate. One weekend he promised  to take her on the ice before he finished up his shift for the night. He said to her   “you can even watch me on the zamboni”.  She very excited. Saturday evening she came up to the rink. The space and rink was smaller and more intimate than she expected. It smelled like dust, cleaner, rubber, and stale cigarettes. She saw him in the ice and watched him work for a while. So serious and a hard worker.  He turned the corner of the rink checking the ice for spots before he would go over it with the zamboni.  Our eyes met and he looked up and smiled his big smile. We both wave quicker than politeness. He comes to the boards and opens the door. We greet and hug. Both excited and nervous wondering if the other is going to bail.
I ask if you could take me on the ice in our boots…just so she can get used to not friction. Maybe next time you can teach me to skate. You laugh and says “of course”. We go slowly on the ice. You letting me  holding onto you. Your hands, your arms, your waist, your hips. We are  laughing while trying not to slip or lose control. You guide my hips showing me how to glide and move my feet. Even under my coat you can feel my hips and the heat from my body. You like holding my hips. Your fingers grip on.
Overhead this cheesy pop song comes on and both of us burst out laughing and try to dance to it. We end up slipping and falling on our butts. We both can’t stop laughing for what seems to be minutes. We are listening to the song overhead laughing and reaching for eachother. Eventually we sigh on your backs. Our heads side by side looking up at the ceiling.  Suddenly classical music comes on (rachmaninoff) and we both stop and stare at eachothers eyes. Like ‘plata quemada’ our hands search eachothers. Rubbing up and down lightly.
In that moment we both understood that we are one the same and this is it. We grab and slide side by side.
We passionately kiss and press into eachother as if we couldn’t get close enough. I cant hear anymore its blurring into my face and legs. I feel heat circulating. I feel your life circulating. My legs rolling over your hips. I get ontop of you. You don’t stop a blink. We ride and writhe. We have no shame. We have no inhibitions. We are energy.