The Renaissance of Lola [BDSM] [Non-con] [forced] [intruder] [one-off]

**Author’s note: this story plays a lot with the idea of consent and I just wanted to say that this does not indicate my true feelings about consent and anything that feels like anti-consent language is just meant as a fictional sort of roleplay. Consent is important, no means no and yes means yes. Moving on!**

Lola felt like she was just starting life, which is a strange thing to do at forty. She had lived her life up until that point with so many of the usuals—depression, anxiety, what have you—but the biggest issue was a total lack of self confidence. As a child, she began stressing about herself and her body and never quite stopped. By the time she was in her twenties, she didn’t like herself at all anymore. It may be necessary to point out that she was not ugly—she had never been ugly—but self-hatred is a strange thing. As a result, she refused to hear compliments and only felt insults. She wasn’t a virgin, not at that age, but she also missed out on so much. Her few sexual experiences had run the gamut from depressing to humiliating. When you hate yourself, you assume everyone else does too, so she only ever took up with people she thought were desperate enough to fuck her. This led to situations like fucking hideous people or spending time with assholes or, in one case, getting fucked in the middle of a party blindfolded, unsure of who had fucked her, believing that that is all she deserved.

The Story of Cunt II: Day Seven [last day] [BDSM] [public] [forced] [humiliation] [MF/FF]

Cunt knew that today would be different. How did she know that? Well, for one thing, she was definitely about to be arrested. On what charges? Well, the cops weren’t being forthcoming, as usual, but among their rambling, she heard indecent exposure and vagrancy. She tried to explain that she wasn’t a vagrant and that she was only exposing herself if you stick your face down her dress. The cop who was the visual personification of roid rage clearly didn’t appreciate this, because he quickly pushed his way up to the front and quickly flipped her over and cuffed her hands behind her back. Fuck! Cunt didn’t drive in her usual life, so she didn’t know how to flirt her way out of a ticket, let alone an arrest, so she just had to accept that she was being arrested when she found herself in the backseat of a cop car.

The roid rage cop and his buddy got into the car and began driving. What Cunt didn’t seem to realize was that they were simply driving in circles. If she had known that, she would have thought of a backup plan, but right now, assuming she was about to end up in a prison cell, Cunt went with her only option.

The Story of Cunt II: Day Six [BDSM] [public] [humiliation] [forced] [MF/FF]

**Author’s note: my sincerest apologies, my lovelies. I somehow forgot about my new life as a pornographer and didn’t get day six out yesterday, as I had planned. Hopefully we can get through this without the need for a beating or spanking, but if it has to be, it has to be! Here’s day six!**

Cunt awoke to two things: a terrible smell and a hand on her crotch. She could have let the second go, assumed it was a psychosexual dream that was taking on physical properties, but that smell was like nothing she had ever dreamed before. She opened her eyes to see from where the smell was emanating. To her absolute annoyance, it was a recognizable face: it was that old pervert who had previously tried to grope her. She stood up, ready to yell at him to fuck off, but she felt so down and so desperate to get off that she just went with it.

The Story of Cunt II: Day Five [BDSM] [public] [humiliation]

For the first time in quite a while, Cunt woke up refreshed and satisfied: usually, it’s one or the other, if either. She felt incredibly sexy in this moment, believing that she could absolutely go from rags to riches. Someone as hot as her could just find someone to take care of her and fuck her every night. She stood up and began walking, ready to see what the world had in store for her today.

She walked past an old man taking a morning walk. She made eye contact, which he didn’t return. Okay, he’s probably too old anyways. She had to aim for a younger market. Walking past a group of cute twenty-something women, Cunt made a big show of saying hi to them, but the women simply responded and went back to their conversation, a few of them obviously laughing at her. They were too young for her anyway; she had experienced so much more of life than they had. She would never admit it, but she was feeling dejected by this. She remembered a time when anyone who saw her wanted to fuck her. Well, it was yesterday, but still.

The Story of Cunt II: Day Four [BDSM] [public] [humiliation] [FF]

**Author’s note: someone was constistently downvoting my chapters as soon as they got posted which essentially hid them from viewers. Thankfully, it seems that the chapters are regaining a bit of traction. The last story had only a few readers anyway, so I’m not expecting to go viral, but I do want my story reaching the audience that may appreciate it. This is to say, if you are finding this now, please go into my profile and catch up on the story. And enjoy!**

Cunt awoke still in the warm embrace of her hostess, a slight snore emanating into her ear, soft breathing on her neck, breasts squeezing into her back. The sun was out and she knew that this moment would end eventually but she wished it would last as long as possible. She wanted to turn around and look at her saviour, but she worried about waking her. So, she just lay there waiting for a sign of waking. That sign came when a delicate hand ran through her thick hair, followed by a breathy, half-asleep “good morning.” Cunt turned around to face the woman who held her last night and would soon use her with a few of her friends. As soon as she turned, the woman kissed her passionately. Her hand went under the cover but stopped upon realizing the time.

The Story of Cunt II: Day Three [BDSM] [Public] [Humiliation] [FF]

Cunt was awoken at a very early hour; she was sure of that much. She was also sure of how she woke up, namely the arrival of the manager who poured a bucket of water on her, before telling her to fuck off back to whatever whorehouse she came from. Why was she so mad at her? Not only did she give this location’s employees some much needed relief, she also gave this woman some of the best porn she could hope for. Was she one of those hypocrites who loves porn but hates sex workers? Well, this wasn’t the time to try to figure that out because the manager was looking for something to beat her with. Cunt pulled her wet clothes into their correct positions and tried her best to leave the store without slipping on the freshly mopped floors. She mostly got through without issue, but the real issue would be outside the store. Not only was it a particularly hot day, but the ground was unusually hot on her bare feet. Cunt rushed towards the nearest shade, so she could figure out what she would do with her day. Last night was very hot—different kind of hot—but the days are still very boring. It was as she sat that she realized that she was being watched. She looked behind her and saw a particularly creepy man watching her. What did he want? Well, the placement of his hand made that obvious. This was definitely something that she didn’t have to deal with in her pre-transition life, but it was a way of life now. She tried to ignore him, but he made it very difficult. With his hand still in his pants, the creepy man approached her acting casual, asking her for directions to a mumbled location. Before she could say she didn’t know, he reached out and grabbed her right breast.

The Story of Cunt II: Day Two [BDSM] [public] [forced]

Cunt woke up in a daze. She was on the ground, face down, with her hand on her crotch. Where was her underwear? Oh, right, she didn’t have any on, but this wasn’t her skirt. Did she go out drinking last night and have too much fun? Was this urgent horniness a symptom of a hangover? And who was this creep that was sniffing her crotch? She turned around to tell off some douchebro when she realized that the douchebro was a dog being walked by a conservative-looking, middle-aged woman whose face showed equal parts shock and disgust. If she was more brave, Cunt would have offered to lick her cunt for a dollar, to show her how shameless she was, but of course, Cunt wasn’t more brave, so she just looked up at the woman, apologizing and trying to cover herself up. The woman looked down on her, as if she was about to use the newspaper in her hand to swat her on the butt to show her the error of her ways, but instead she just made a disapproving noise and began to walk away. Of course, her dog didn’t, continuing to sniff at Cunt curiously, having never seen a creature quite like this. The middle-aged woman came back to Cunt and used her newspaper to swat the young dog on the nose, telling him to get going. Then, as if her inhibitions had just worn off, the woman looked down on Cunt, spit in her face in disgust and walked away. Cunt was first dumbfounded, then aroused all over again. She wanted to start masturbating again, but there were people in the park now. She had to leave.

The Story of Cunt II: Day One [BDSM] [public] [forced]

**Author’s note: Some of you may remember the original TSOC that was released a while back. You can find it in my profile. I had no plans to do a sequel or write anything else like this basically, but I got inspired by some research and well, here we are!**

It had been so long since she had been here. So much had changed. For one thing, she had finally stopped lying to herself. After her last session with the mistress, she had finally stopped lying to herself and gone in for gender reassignment. It also happened to be around this time that the pill that acted as a fetish for her during that fateful week was finally perfected, allowing her to finally become who she had always wanted, functioning genitals and all.

She stood at the door for a moment, in her crop top and short denim shorts, unsure if she was ready to go in. It had been quite a while, but what she had gone through was something that she could never forget. Did Mistress feel the same? Would she even remember her? How many people go through these doors every day? Surely her time as Cunt was just a transaction, nothing more. She knew that she had to leave her own head if she was to go in there.

The Story of Cunt II: Day One

**Author’s note: Some of you may remember the original TSOC that was released a while back. You can find it in my profile. I had no plans to do a sequel or write anything else like this basically, but I got inspired by some research and well, here we are!**

It had been so long since she had been here. So much had changed. For one thing, she had finally stopped lying to herself. After her last session with the mistress, she had finally stopped lying to herself and gone in for gender reassignment. It also happened to be around this time that the pill that acted as a fetish for her during that fateful week was finally perfected, allowing her to finally become who she had always wanted, functioning genitals and all.

She stood at the door for a moment, in her crop top and short denim shorts, unsure if she was ready to go in. It had been quite a while, but what she had gone through was something that she could never forget. Did Mistress feel the same? Would she even remember her? How many people go through these doors every day? Surely her time as Cunt was just a transaction, nothing more. She knew that she had to leave her own head if she was to go in there.

The Story of Cunt – Day Seven [last day] [serial] [BDSM] [Forced Feminization] [MF/FF]

Day Seven

Cunt had a dream that night: she was a champion nude wrestler taking on a stronger contender. As she went to grapple, her noodle arms gave way, leading to her being grabbed around the waste and overpowered. Her opponent pulled her to the ground and held her down, pushing her knee into Cunt’s back before slapping her on the ass. The slap awoke her to the realization that this wasn’t a dream. Cunt opened her mouth to protest, but a hand quickly covered her mouth. She attempted to scream through the mouth, but a second person quickly jumped on her back and pulled her throat up into a camel clutch, quickly choking her and stopping her from screaming. The first man stepped up in front of her and slapped her in the face. This was when Cunt realized that this was the man who had pissed on her the night before.