This is the story of my wife and I having our first swap. We had been married for a little over a year at the time and been together for around 4 years. We had moved to D.C. for work. Both of us had talked about swaping and her having a girl for almost the whole relationship, so after a year we started going to reddit and watching swingtv and other porn related to swinging. Shortly after she started posting online and we went to our first club. (Story for another time maybe not the best but decent) We didn’t know what to expect at first so we show up and the smell of drugs drove us away. Both our jobs at the time didn’t allow us to be in those areas. Well we tried again the next day now seeing what people were wearing to the club and stuff like that. So she wore a sundress that was loose and short. Night was okay she mainly danced with a couple but they found she wasn’t a unicorn and left. That pretty much set us off on the idea. She really enjoyed the open community.