[FM] In The Middle Of Class

Hey everybody! First post on here so I apologize for any obvious formatting // grammar errors but this story was simply too hot not to post. Hope you guys enjoy!

As it stands, I’m currently an 18 year old male and a senior in high school (All others included in this story are at the age of 18 as well). Throughout my high school career, I’ve had a couple of girlfriends that I’ve gotten intimate with, but none that ever really stuck around. So senior year particularly was a bit of a “dry spell” as far as everything goes.

The setting for this story is yesterday, my last class of the day, a large one as far as our school goes with about 30 people in total. The desks are tables arranged as to have about 4 students per group. My desk is towards the back, where my view is mostly obscured to the teacher. And luckily for me, in tandem with being in a back, obscured location, I also sit next to our student body president, a female who just so happens to be great to look at.