[F] My [F 52] son in law [M 30] fucks me, with my daughter’s [F 28] blessings.

My daughter and her husband wanted to open up their marriage. She approached me asking whether I would love to be a part of it or not. My husband and I had ceased having sex a while ago after which he had given me free pass. Although I was a bit hesitant at first in getting involved with my own son in law, but upon seeing how excited they both were, I decided to give it a go.

To be honest, I got hooked in the very first day itself. The sex was great and so were the dynamics. We got more comfortable with each other as days passed. I used to to their place for it or at time he used to come over when I used to be alone at my house. After that, my daughter got pregnant and I moved in with them during the third trimester to look after her, which also meant more sex between my son in law and I. She recently gave birth and I am still staying with them and helping them in taking care of the newborn and also keeping my son in law’s balls empty.

[F] Despite being married with kids, I drove almost 200 Kms (one way) to meet and get fucked by a friend.

I think I will start off by saying that my husband allow me to see other men when he goes away and as of now he is away. It had been a while since I had sex for variety of reasons and I was feeling the heat for some time now. That’s when I got a call from this guy who was my former regular back in the days telling me that he is in the nearby city for work purposes and would love to see me. I decided to go as I dearly wanted a good fucking. I dropped my kids to my mother’s place and drove almost 200Kms to the hotel that he was staying. We had an incredible time and he gave me two creampies. I was still so turned on that I didn’t bothered to clean up and drove back to my mother’s place to pick up the kids and the head back to my house. Yesterday was an eventful day.

[F] [A/ne] My [F 36] husband can’t father a child. So he setup our nephew [M 19] to impregnate me and I recently gave birth to our child.

I think I will start off by saying that he is my husband’s sister’s son, so not my blood relative. My husband and I were high school sweethearts and got married after we both graduated college. A little later my husband got involved with a motorcycle accident after which one of his testis got surgically removed. Apart from that, we later discovered that he was suffering from both oligospermia and necrozoospermia which means his sperm count is low and what he ejaculate are mostly dead sperms respectively. Which means he is never going to father a child. We first tried medication for him which didn’t worked and he lost hope there and he suggested that we should go with IVF.