[MF] Hotel Window Adventures

Obligatory comment that this is a throw-away – hopefully this true story is not too long but as this all took place over 3 days, will try to be brief….

All began with me attending a conference in Chicago last year with the wife deciding to join me to spend the weekend and take in the sites as well as a Cubs game. As we entered the room, as all people do, we went to the windows to open the curtains and take in the view. Being a corner room we had a lot of full length windows with glimpse of the lake through one and the Hilton directly across the street through the other. Fast forward to following dinner and drinks, we head back to the room with a bottle of wine to chill before the following days Cubs game. Entering the room, we see the Hilton across the street with a lot of lights on and a lot of activity, mind you this is directly across the street which if I remember correctly is only 2 lanes. Point being, it is quite close.