Let me start by saying that going from 1 to 4 isn’t as impressive as my title probably made you expect.
In my first year of college I was a virgin. I had never kissed a girl, let alone had sex with someone. It was really the first time when I decided to approach some girls with any confidence. Turns out I was pretty bad at it with very little success. I made some friends but really nothing more.
At the start of the year I met this girl (let’s call her E) who I quickly became good friends with. I started to hang out with her in a pretty small group a couple of times every week and we always had a great time. I knew she had something going on with another guy we knew so I didn’t really think of her that way for a while. I thought she was really fun, we had some chemistry (but at that point in my inexperience it seemed like she had chemistry with everyone) and she was really attractive in a girl-next-door kind of way. She was extremely open about sexual topics and even delved into some taboo stuff at times and our group would talk about stuff like that pretty often which was pretty awkward for me as I had really nothing to contribute, I just laughed along.