The test of masculinity

Hello, I’m a complete armature writer. In fact I was always bad at English class. Im also dyslexic so its not a perfectly written story. But I enjoy making these erotic stories. So please go easy on me as I’m not even close to a pro. Hope you enjoy it and let me know if you want a part 2

I was walking down the street and a strange part of town. It wasn’t a bad part of town it just seemed to be where a lot of weird things would happen. Black magic shops. Palm readers. Voodoo shops. And honestly had a very bowling vibe to the area.

When I came across a small alley with the door lit up on the end. Intrigued I walk down the alleyway and read the sign read it read ” masculinity test” in large bold font. Followed by smaller font reading ” the ultimate test of your masculinity”

Being a 6 ft tall man pretty fit short brown hair blue eyes and a 7-inch cock I thought that I would be able to prove it this test no problem. I had no intention of stopping any of the shops here but I suddenly felt compelled to prove myself. So I pushed the door and a little bell rings and stuff inside